Plant Genome Editing Team
Plants support our daily life around us, such as food, ornamentals, fiber, building materials, and fuels. These plants have been cultivated by selecting individuals with useful properties that have arisen over time from wild species. Genome analysis technologies have revealed mutations that confer useful properties. Furthermore, genome editing technologies have made it possible to create mutations only in specific parts of the genome. The Plant Genome Editing Team aims to develop technologies for breeding and utilization of plants that are useful for the formation of a sustainable society. In particular, we aim to develop efficient methods to produce plants with the desired mutations in plants such as wheat, which have complex genomes and for which trait modification is difficult or time-consuming using conventional technologies.

Team Leader
Plant molecular biology, Plant biotechnology
Member List
- Mitsuko Kaboshi mkaboshi [at]
- Yasukazu Kanda kyasukaz [at]
- Yuko Kashima