Predicted genomic structure of KIBB6235
Clone name : KIBB6235
Sequence length of the cDNA : 2247 bp
Corresponding genomic sequence : gi568815589r_3125045
Length of the corresponding genomic region : 170544 bp
Chromosome No. : 9
Coding region of KIBB6235 : 1..2247
Result of GENSCAN

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Exon regions are assigned by SIM4
exon# query aa hit intron identity
start end start end start end boundary bp
1 1 117 1 39 270544 270428 GT..AG 48707 100
2 118 215 40 72 221720 221623 GT..AG 16149 100
3 216 474 72 158 205473 205215 GT..AG 28638 100
4 475 549 159 183 176576 176502 GT..AG 8287 100
5 550 731 184 244 168214 168033 GT..AG 4826 100
6 732 851 244 284 163206 163087 GT..AG 10669 100
7 852 973 284 325 152417 152296 GT..AG 1727 100
8 974 1086 325 362 150568 150456 GT..AG 4381 100
9 1087 1202 363 401 146074 145959 GT..AG 477 100
10 1203 1357 401 453 145481 145327 GT..AG 4065 100
11 1358 1455 453 485 141261 141164 GT..AG 3123 100
12 1456 1605 486 535 138040 137891 GT..AG 5735 100
13 1606 1814 536 605 132155 131947 GT..AG 8805 100
14 1815 1968 605 656 123141 122988 GT..AG 19142 100
15 1969 2011 657 671 103845 103803 GT..AG 3566 100
16 2012 2247 671 749 100236 100001 - 100

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