Predicted genomic structure of KIEE2521
Clone name : KIEE2521
Sequence length of the cDNA : 1653 bp
Corresponding genomic sequence : gi568815597f_99546318
Length of the corresponding genomic region : 47742 bp
Chromosome No. : 1
Coding region of KIEE2521 : 1..1653
Result of GENSCAN

*-[ zoom out (x2) ]-*

Exon regions are assigned by SIM4
exon# query aa hit intron identity
start end start end start end boundary bp
1 1 45 1 15 100001 100045 GT..AG 15956 100
2 46 126 16 42 116002 116082 GT..AG 5242 100
3 127 251 43 84 121325 121449 GT..AG 18909 100
4 252 366 84 122 140359 140473 GT..AG 139 100
5 367 400 123 134 140613 140646 GT..AG 112 100
6 401 514 134 172 140759 140872 GT..AG 1585 100
7 515 1612 172 538 142458 143555 GT..AG 4146 100
8 1613 1653 538 551 147702 147742 - 100

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