Predicted genomic structure of KIBB8458
Clone name : KIBB8458
Sequence length of the cDNA : 1017 bp
Corresponding genomic sequence : gi568815576f_36764043
Length of the corresponding genomic region : 16649 bp
Chromosome No. : 22
Coding region of KIBB8458 : 1..1017
Result of GENSCAN

*-[ zoom out (x2) ]-*

Exon regions are assigned by SIM4
exon# query aa hit intron identity
start end start end start end boundary bp
1 1 32 1 11 97130 97161 GT..AG 2841 100
2 33 117 11 39 100003 100087 GT..AG 789 100
3 118 271 40 91 100877 101030 GT..AG 2319 100
4 272 342 91 114 103350 103420 GT..AG 2952 100
5 343 470 115 157 106373 106500 GT..AG 1109 100
6 471 528 157 176 107610 107667 GT..AG 617 100
7 529 627 177 209 108285 108383 GT..AG 3227 100
8 628 758 210 253 111611 111741 GT..AG 245 100
9 759 824 253 275 111987 112052 GT..AG 1533 100
10 825 1017 275 339 113586 113778 - 100

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