Predicted genomic structure of KIBB5481
Clone name : KIBB5481
Sequence length of the cDNA : 1359 bp
Corresponding genomic sequence : gi568815582f_21857234
Length of the corresponding genomic region : 29745 bp
Chromosome No. : 16
Coding region of KIBB5481 : 1..1359
Result of GENSCAN

*-[ zoom out (x2) ]-*

Exon regions are assigned by SIM4
exon# query aa hit intron identity
start end start end start end boundary bp
1 1 33 1 11 96191 96223 GT..AG 3778 100
2 34 117 12 39 100002 100085 GT..AG 98 100
3 118 267 40 89 100184 100333 GT..AG 968 100
4 268 332 90 111 101302 101366 GT..AG 3860 100
5 333 389 111 130 105227 105283 GT..AG 244 100
6 390 514 130 172 105528 105652 GT..AG 2522 100
7 515 612 172 204 108175 108272 GT..AG 3122 100
8 613 670 205 224 111395 111452 GT..AG 2839 100
9 671 766 224 256 114292 114387 GT..AG 302 100
10 767 966 256 322 114690 114889 GT..AG 1773 100
11 967 1047 323 349 116663 116743 GT..AG 2190 100
12 1048 1124 350 375 118934 119010 GT..AG 4303 100
13 1125 1278 375 426 123314 123467 GT..AG 2387 100
14 1279 1359 427 453 125855 125935 - 100

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