Predicted genomic structure of KIAA1128
Clone name : KIAA1128
Sequence length of the cDNA : 3141 bp
Corresponding genomic sequence : gi568815588f_84271053
Length of the corresponding genomic region : 143212 bp
Chromosome No. : 10
Coding region of KIAA1128 : 1..3141
Result of GENSCAN

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Exon regions are assigned by SIM4
exon# query aa hit intron identity
start end start end start end boundary bp
1 1 1417 1 473 100001 101417 GT..AG 1149 100
2 1418 1614 473 538 102567 102763 GT..AG 43955 100
3 1615 1705 539 569 146719 146809 GT..AG 7869 100
4 1706 1868 569 623 154679 154841 GT..AG 12618 100
5 1869 2064 623 688 167460 167655 GT..AG 25225 100
6 2065 2148 689 716 192881 192964 GT..AG 6355 100
7 2149 2235 717 745 199320 199406 GT..AG 7116 100
8 2236 2325 746 775 206523 206612 GT..AG 35784 100
9 2326 3141 776 1047 242397 243212 - 100

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