Predicted genomic structure of KIEE5535
Clone name : KIEE5535
Sequence length of the cDNA : 1365 bp
Corresponding genomic sequence : gi568815582r_28742978
Length of the corresponding genomic region : 3292 bp
Chromosome No. : 16
Coding region of KIEE5535 : 1..1365
Result of GENSCAN

*-[ zoom out (x2) ]-*

Exon regions are assigned by SIM4
exon# query aa hit intron identity
start end start end start end boundary bp
1 1 52 1 18 103292 103241 GT..AG 111 100
2 53 247 18 83 103129 102935 GT..AG 431 100
3 248 414 83 138 102503 102337 GT..AG 258 100
4 415 519 139 173 102078 101974 GT..AG 88 100
5 520 684 174 228 101885 101721 GT..AG 146 100
6 685 817 229 273 101574 101442 GT..AG 84 100
7 818 922 273 308 101357 101253 GT..AG 128 100
8 923 1074 308 358 101124 100973 GT..AG 94 100
9 1075 1194 359 398 100878 100759 GT..AG 587 100
10 1195 1365 399 455 100171 100001 - 100

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