Predicted genomic structure of KIEE4138
Clone name : KIEE4138
Sequence length of the cDNA : 1647 bp
Corresponding genomic sequence : gi568815581f_37826000
Length of the corresponding genomic region : 9048 bp
Chromosome No. : 17
Coding region of KIEE4138 : 1..1647
Result of GENSCAN

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Exon regions are assigned by SIM4
exon# query aa hit intron identity
start end start end start end boundary bp
1 1 72 1 24 161521 161450 GT..AG 162 100
2 73 158 25 53 161287 161202 GT..AG 1283 100
3 159 198 53 66 159918 159879 GT..AG 482 100
4 199 279 67 93 159396 159316 GT..AG 443 100
5 280 387 94 129 158872 158765 GT..AG 329 100
6 388 497 130 166 158435 158326 GT..AG 1248 100
7 498 546 166 182 157077 157029 GT..AG 543 100
8 547 667 183 223 156485 156365 GT..AG 713 100
9 668 762 223 254 155651 155557 GT..AG 384 100
10 763 828 255 276 155172 155107 GT..AG 463 100
11 829 928 277 310 154643 154544 GT..AG 370 100
12 929 1081 310 361 154173 154021 GT..AG 981 100
13 1082 1647 361 549 153039 152474 - 100

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