Predicted genomic structure of KIBB8108
Clone name : KIBB8108
Sequence length of the cDNA : 1434 bp
Corresponding genomic sequence : gi568815586f_95374180
Length of the corresponding genomic region : 39722 bp
Chromosome No. : 12
Coding region of KIBB8108 : 1..1434
Result of GENSCAN

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Exon regions are assigned by SIM4
exon# query aa hit intron identity
start end start end start end boundary bp
1 1 151 1 51 100001 100151 GT..AG 1740 100
2 152 259 51 87 101892 101999 GT..AG 7036 100
3 260 325 87 109 109036 109101 GT..AG 2598 100
4 326 428 109 143 111700 111802 GT..AG 8074 100
5 429 590 143 197 119877 120038 GT..AG 739 100
6 591 772 197 258 120778 120959 GT..AG 865 100
7 773 867 258 289 121825 121919 GT..AG 7966 100
8 868 964 290 322 129886 129982 GT..AG 7733 100
9 965 1068 322 356 137716 137819 GT..AG 802 100
10 1069 1184 357 395 138622 138737 GT..AG 735 100
11 1185 1434 395 478 139473 139722 - 100

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