BLASTX alignment cluster 31    (89613..89689)

Local alignments in this cluster

gi|4325348|gb|AAD17346|[fasta] (AF128394) contains similarity to phosphate transporters [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 531 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125227..125313 (1..29) + 121
119882..119742 (1..47) - 221
118564..117833 (138..381) - 895
117473..117405 (383..405) - 65
89802..89689 (398..435) - 161
89613..89437 (465..523) - 185
21415..21717 (273..373) + 149
21275..21439 (226..280) + 113
20972..21292 (127..233) + 127
19790..19930 (1..47) + 108
12961..12821 (1..47) - 224
11719..11399 (127..233) - 131
11430..11143 (224..319) - 184
11067..10981 (345..373) - 88
10569..10441 (407..449) - 58

