BP055048 ( SPDL049a08_f )


BLASTX 2.2.22 [Sep-27-2009]

Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, 
Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), 
"Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search
programs",  Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402.

Query= BP055048  SPDL049a08_f
         (488 letters)

Database: uniref100 
           9,526,577 sequences; 3,332,566,763 total letters


significant alignments:[graphical|details]

UniRef100_B9RLG6 Oligopeptidase B, putative n=1 Tax=Ricinus comm...    53   1e-09
UniRef100_UPI0001982B4A PREDICTED: hypothetical protein n=1 Tax=...    50   7e-07
UniRef100_Q9CAA3 Putative protease n=1 Tax=Arabidopsis thaliana ...    46   1e-06
UniRef100_C5X345 Putative uncharacterized protein Sb02g027475 (F...    50   1e-06
UniRef100_A7PN90 Chromosome chr1 scaffold_22, whole genome shotg...    52   1e-06
UniRef100_B6U2A2 Protease 2 n=1 Tax=Zea mays RepID=B6U2A2_MAIZE        47   9e-06
graphical overview:
UniRef100_B9RLG6 UniRef100_B9RLG6 UniRef100_B9RLG6 UniRef100_B9RLG6 UniRef100_UPI0001982B4A UniRef100_UPI0001982B4A UniRef100_UPI0001982B4A UniRef100_UPI0001982B4A UniRef100_Q9CAA3 UniRef100_Q9CAA3 UniRef100_Q9CAA3 UniRef100_Q9CAA3 UniRef100_C5X345 UniRef100_C5X345 UniRef100_C5X345 UniRef100_C5X345 UniRef100_A7PN90 UniRef100_A7PN90 UniRef100_A7PN90 UniRef100_A7PN90