Search Result for HUMAN Genes

PID (Product ID) has the different prefix letters (each three letters) according to the types of clones. PIDs in the same row have the same five digit number and the corresponding clones contain the same ORF amino acid sequence. PID without a link shows a clone under construction. As for ORF sequence of such clone, please refer to the sequence of the other clones listed in the same line.

Shopping cart is available for the order of Flexi clones and Flexi-HaloTag clones.
For ordering Kazusa original clones or OC clones, please fill out the Clone Request Form linked from :
Japan || Overseas ( ORFeome (OC) Clones, Kazusa Original Clones )

You can see the ordering form of rabbit polyclonal antibody produced at Kazusa by clicking the link under the Gene Symbol when the antibody is available.

=== Caution ===
Validation of expression of HaloTag-fusion proteins in HEK293 cells does not ensure that the proteins always show the proper sub-cellular localization or the intrinsic function. You may have to optimize expression construct depending your research purpose.

2 hit(s)

Gene Symbol Flexi PID HaloTag PID Original Kazusa PID OC PID (with_stop) OC PID (w/o_stop)
P2RY14 FXC00001
--- --- ORH00001P
purinergic receptor P2Y, G-protein coupled, 14, transcript variant 2
P2RY14 --- --- --- --- ---
P2Y purinoceptor 14.
about M & E-type clones in preparation

Gene Symbol Aliases from NCBI gene_info data(
P2RY14 BPR105, GPR105, P2Y14

Further Search

Clone type


(e.g. pF1KA0001, AB383885, ATP-binding cassette, -GTP for NOT GTP)

InterPro ID

(e.g. IPR001849, IPR001373)

Pfam ID

(e.g. PF00169, PF00888)

SOSUI TM segments

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