BLASTX alignment cluster 3    (3901..5457)

Local alignments in this cluster

gi|4559361|gb|AAD23022.1|AC006585_17[fasta] (AC006585) hypothetical protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 155 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

5457..5233 (8..82) - 140
5148..5062 (86..114) - 122
4029..3901 (113..155) - 192

gi|3047069[fasta] (AF058825) No definition line found [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 158 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

5457..5413 (8..22) - 359
5388..5152 (23..101) - 247
5169..5062 (82..117) - 123
4029..3901 (116..158) - 181

gi|4309761|gb|AAD15530|[fasta] (AC006217) unknown protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 408 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

28586..28512 (3..27) - 90
28076..28002 (3..27) - 105
28005..27976 (27..36) - 45
27909..27874 (39..50) - 53
27566..27492 (3..27) - 105
27495..27466 (27..36) - 45
27408..27340 (36..58) - 77
27330..27247 (63..90) - 123
27082..26900 (222..282) - 239
26677..26600 (282..307) - 64
26542..26453 (311..340) - 73
5142..5062 (341..367) - 119
4029..3901 (366..408) - 181

