HUGE ppi

A Database of protein-protein interactions between large proteins
(HUGE:Human Unidentified Gene-Encoded Large Proteins Analyzed by Kazusa cDNA Project)

Thank you for your interest in our protein-protein interaction database

The HUGE ppi protein database has been created to publicize the fruitsof our Human cDNA project at the Kazusa DNA Research Institute. Large proteins have multiple domains potentially capable of bindingmany kinds of partners. It is conceivable, therefore, that such proteinscould function as an intricate framework of assembly protein complexes.To comprehensively study protein-protein interactions between large KIAAproteins, we have constructed a library composed of KIAA cDNA clonesbased on prior functional classifications done in sillico. Our representativelibrary should be a very useful resource for detecting previously unidentifiedinteractions because it complements conventional expression libraries,which seldom contain large cDNAs.





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