hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/Pfam Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mbg/mbg00079/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mKIAA0993 ( 646 res) mbg00079 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- FYVE FYVE zinc finger 101.8 1.4e-26 1 WD40 WD domain, G-beta repeat 69.6 6.6e-17 5 Beach Beige/BEACH domain -21.0 6.6e-15 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- Beach 1/1 1 96 [. 1 287 [] -21.0 6.6e-15 WD40 1/5 190 226 .. 1 38 [] 2.6 98 WD40 2/5 238 275 .. 1 38 [] 42.4 1e-08 WD40 3/5 280 316 .. 1 38 [] 16.9 0.48 WD40 4/5 323 365 .. 1 38 [] 20.6 0.038 WD40 5/5 521 558 .. 1 38 [] 2.9 88 FYVE 1/1 569 635 .. 1 77 [] 101.8 1.4e-26 Alignments of top-scoring domains: Beach: domain 1 of 1, from 1 to 96: score -21.0, E = 6.6e-15 *->TkRWqrGeISNFeYLmhLNtlAGRsyNDLsQYPVFPWIlADYtSesL mKIAA0993 - ----------------------------------------------- - DLsnPstFRdLSKPiGAQspeReeqFleRYesledpeekevppFHYGtHY mKIAA0993 - -------------------------------------------------- - SSagiVlfYLiRlePFteefLaLQgGkFDhADRlFhSieetWrsaslenm mKIAA0993 - -------------------------------------------------- - tDVKELIPEFFyLPEfLvNrngfDlGvrQnGekVnDVdLPPWAkgDEKAd PWAkg d mKIAA0993 1 ----------------------------------------PWAKG----D 6 PeeFiqkhReALESdYVSahLHeWIDLIFGYKQrGkeAvkAiNVFhhltY P+eFi+ hReALE dYVSahLHeWIDLIFGYKQ+G++Av A+NVFhhl+Y mKIAA0993 7 PREFIRVHREALECDYVSAHLHEWIDLIFGYKQQGPAAVEAVNVFHHLFY 56 eGaVDldsieDPverrAieaqIknFGQTPkQLFtkPHPkR<-* eG VD+ +i DP+ A++++I+nFGQ+PkQLF+kPHP++ mKIAA0993 57 EGQVDIYNINDPLKETATIGFINNFGQIPKQLFKKPHPPK 96 WD40: domain 1 of 5, from 190 to 226: score 2.6, E = 98 *->eclavl.gHtspVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* +++ + + c + + +l+++g+ +++W+ mKIAA0993 190 VTVYEClSEWGQILCAVCPNP--KLVITGGTSTVVCVWE 226 WD40: domain 2 of 5, from 238 to 275: score 42.4, E = 1e-08 *->eclavl.gHtspVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* ++++ l gHt++Vtc s +++++sgSrD+t+ iWd mKIAA0993 238 TLKQALlGHTDTVTCATASLA-YHIIVSGSRDRTCIIWD 275 WD40: domain 3 of 5, from 280 to 316: score 16.9, E = 0.48 *->eclavl.gHtspVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* l+ l+gH +pV++++++ ++s+ i++W+ mKIAA0993 280 SFLTQLrGHRAPVSALCINEL-TGDIVSCAG-TYIHVWS 316 WD40: domain 4 of 5, from 323 to 365: score 20.6, E = 0.038 *->eclavl.gHtspVtcvafspd....sgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* + +++g + + c++ s ++ + ++++++g +Dg ++ W mKIAA0993 323 VSVNTFtGRSQQIVCCCMSEMnewdTQNVIVTGHSDGVVRFWR 365 WD40: domain 5 of 5, from 521 to 558: score 2.9, E = 88 *->eclavl.gHtspVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* + + H + Vt++ +s d ++++ g + g + W+ mKIAA0993 521 AFDRKDnTHPAEVTALGVSKD-HSRILVGDSRGRVFSWS 558 FYVE: domain 1 of 1, from 569 to 635: score 101.8, E = 1.4e-26 *->phWvpDeevsnCmrCgkpFtkltkRrHHCRaCGrifCgsCssktvll +hWv+De ++C+ C++ F+ lt+RrHHCR+CG++fC++Cs++ + + mKIAA0993 569 DHWVKDEGGDSCSGCSVRFS-LTERRHHCRNCGQLFCQKCSRFQSEI 614 pylgiaallkndviekpvRVCdsCydrlnk<-* + l i + pvRVC++Cy +l++ mKIAA0993 615 KRLKI---------SSPVRVCQNCYYSLQH 635 //