hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080502/iprscan-20080502-17084937/chunk_1/iprscan-20080502-17084937.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: KIAA0931 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- SM00332 129.9 2.8e-34 1 SM00369 100.0 2.8e-25 10 SM00364 76.2 4.2e-18 10 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- SM00364 1/10 300 319 .. 1 20 [] 1.5 4e+02 SM00364 2/10 323 342 .. 1 20 [] 1.4 4.1e+02 SM00369 1/10 323 345 .. 1 24 [] 3.3 1.6e+02 SM00364 3/10 346 365 .. 1 20 [] 11.2 22 SM00369 2/10 346 368 .. 1 24 [] 15.3 5.7 SM00364 4/10 369 388 .. 1 20 [] 10.3 28 SM00369 3/10 369 391 .. 1 24 [] 7.7 47 SM00369 4/10 461 484 .. 1 24 [] 9.5 29 SM00369 5/10 502 526 .. 1 24 [] 13.2 10 SM00364 5/10 503 522 .. 1 20 [] 15.6 5.6 SM00364 6/10 526 545 .. 1 20 [] 9.6 35 SM00369 6/10 527 549 .. 1 24 [] 4.9 1.1e+02 SM00364 7/10 549 568 .. 1 20 [] 4.3 1.7e+02 SM00369 7/10 551 571 .. 1 24 [] 1.5 2.8e+02 SM00369 8/10 574 594 .. 1 24 [] 18.1 1.2 SM00364 8/10 574 590 .. 1 20 [] 5.8 1.1e+02 SM00369 9/10 602 625 .. 1 24 [] 24.8 0.012 SM00364 9/10 602 621 .. 1 20 [] 14.1 9 SM00364 10/10 625 644 .. 1 20 [] 2.4 3.1e+02 SM00369 10/10 647 671 .. 1 24 [] 1.8 2.5e+02 SM00332 1/1 710 966 .. 1 338 [] 129.9 2.8e-34 Alignments of top-scoring domains: SM00364: domain 1 of 10, from 300 to 319: score 1.5, E = 4e+02 *->PpsLkeLnvsnNrLteLPeL<-* ++Lk Ln s+N+L +P L KIAA0931 300 FSQLKGLNLSHNKLGLFPIL 319 SM00364: domain 2 of 10, from 323 to 342: score 1.4, E = 4.1e+02 *->PpsLkeLnvsnNrLteLPeL<-* ++L+eLn s+N +LP KIAA0931 323 ISTLTELNLSCNGFHDLPSQ 342 SM00369: domain 1 of 10, from 323 to 345: score 3.3, E = 1.6e+02 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* + L+eL+Ls N + LP+++ ++ KIAA0931 323 ISTLTELNLSCNGFHDLPSQI-GN 345 SM00364: domain 3 of 10, from 346 to 365: score 11.2, E = 22 *->PpsLkeLnvsnNrLteLPeL<-* +L++L+ ++N Lt+LPe KIAA0931 346 LLNLQTLCLDGNFLTTLPEE 365 SM00369: domain 2 of 10, from 346 to 368: score 15.3, E = 5.7 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* L nL++L L++N Lt+LP+++ ++ KIAA0931 346 LLNLQTLCLDGNFLTTLPEEL-GN 368 SM00364: domain 4 of 10, from 369 to 388: score 10.3, E = 28 *->PpsLkeLnvsnNrLteLPeL<-* ++L +L++s+N+ + Pe KIAA0931 369 LQQLSSLGISFNNFSQIPEV 388 SM00369: domain 3 of 10, from 369 to 391: score 7.7, E = 47 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* L +L +L s+N+++++P ++ + KIAA0931 369 LQQLSSLGISFNNFSQIP-EVYEK 391 SM00369: domain 4 of 10, from 461 to 484: score 9.5, E = 29 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* L +L+ L+ ++NqL++L F+ KIAA0931 461 LCSLEQLHCGRNQLRELTLSGFSL 484 SM00369: domain 5 of 10, from 502 to 526: score 13.2, E = 10 *->LpnL.reLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* p+L + LdLs+N L+ +P+ a++ KIAA0931 502 VPSLlTFLDLSRNLLECVPDWACEA 526 SM00364: domain 5 of 10, from 503 to 522: score 15.6, E = 5.6 *->PpsLkeLnvsnNrLteLPeL<-* P+ L++L+ s+N L++ P+ KIAA0931 503 PSLLTFLDLSRNLLECVPDW 522 SM00364: domain 6 of 10, from 526 to 545: score 9.6, E = 35 *->PpsLkeLnvsnNrLteLPeL<-* +++ L+vs+N Lte P KIAA0931 526 AKKIEVLDVSYNLLTEVPVR 545 SM00369: domain 6 of 10, from 527 to 549: score 4.9, E = 1.1e+02 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* + ++Ld s+N Lt++P +++++ KIAA0931 527 -KKIEVLDVSYNLLTEVPVRILSS 549 SM00364: domain 7 of 10, from 549 to 568: score 4.3, E = 1.7e+02 *->PpsLkeLnvsnNrLteLPeL<-* sL++L ++N+ +LP L KIAA0931 549 SLSLRKLMLGHNHVQNLPTL 568 SM00369: domain 7 of 10, from 551 to 571: score 1.5, E = 2.8e+02 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* +Lr+L L++N+ + LP + ++ KIAA0931 551 --SLRKLMLGHNHVQNLP-TLVEH 571 SM00369: domain 8 of 10, from 574 to 594: score 18.1, E = 1.2 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* L++LdL++N+Lt+LP+ +F+ KIAA0931 574 ---LEVLDLQHNALTRLPDTLFSK 594 SM00364: domain 8 of 10, from 574 to 590: score 5.8, E = 1.1e+02 *->PpsLkeLnvsnNrLteLPeL<-* L+ L+ ++N Lt+LP+ KIAA0931 574 ---LEVLDLQHNALTRLPDT 590 SM00369: domain 9 of 10, from 602 to 625: score 24.8, E = 0.012 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* L +L+eL+Ls+N+L+++P + ++ KIAA0931 602 LEQLEELNLSGNKLKTIPTTIANC 625 SM00364: domain 9 of 10, from 602 to 621: score 14.1, E = 9 *->PpsLkeLnvsnNrLteLPeL<-* ++L+eLn s+N+L++ P KIAA0931 602 LEQLEELNLSGNKLKTIPTT 621 SM00364: domain 10 of 10, from 625 to 644: score 2.4, E = 3.1e+02 *->PpsLkeLnvsnNrLteLPeL<-* +L +L + +N+++ +Pe KIAA0931 625 CKRLHTLVAHSNNISIFPEI 644 SM00369: domain 10 of 10, from 647 to 671: score 1.8, E = 2.5e+02 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLP.pgaFqg<-* Lp+ + dLs N Lt++ p+a+ KIAA0931 647 LPQIQFVDLSCNDLTEILiPEALPA 671 SM00332: domain 1 of 1, from 710 to 966: score 129.9, E = 2.8e-34 *->es.sgknlglryglgessmqgwrkpmEDahvirp........ffgVf ++++ +++gl +m g r + + ++ + ++ + ++g f KIAA0931 710 TDsTVTSTFWSHGL--AEMAGQRNKLCVSALAMDsfaegvgaVYGMF 754 DGHGGseaakflsknlheilaeelsfdkdeslkeneelkdepesserlng DG + e + l+ + + l+ee+++ + + KIAA0931 755 DGDRNEELPRLLQCTMADVLLEEVQQSTNDTVF----------------- 787 dksledveealrkaFlrtdeei........sTAvvalirgnk........ + ++Fl + +++ +++ +s+A++++ir+++ ++ ++ + KIAA0931 788 ----------MANTFLVSHRKLgmagqklgSSALLCYIRPDTadpassfs 827 lyvANvGDSRavLcrngkdswegvrtysavqLteDHkp.snedEreRIea l vANvG ++avLcr+gk +v+L++ + + +++E++R+++ KIAA0931 828 LTVANVGTCQAVLCRGGK----------PVPLSKVFSLeQDPEEAQRVKD 867 aGGevepidrefvsngggvvwRvnGvvisLavsRalGDfelKkkedelie + + +++ +vnGv + +R lG +l KIAA0931 868 QKA-------IITEDN-----KVNGV---TCCTRMLGCTYLY-------- 894 enrlyekfdprlpgkepyvsaePevtvvelsqtlvptedddfliLASDGl p++ + P+++++ l t +d++liL+ l KIAA0931 895 ----------------PWILPKPHISSTPL------TIQDELLILGNKAL 922 WDvlsnqeavdivrkhlrkgddkevksaaqelaradslrskkhndpkeaa W++ls+ eav vr ++dp +aa KIAA0931 923 WEHLSYTEAVNAVRH---------------------------VQDPLAAA 945 klLvdlAl....kDNiTvvvv<-* k+L+ lA++ + +DN+ ++vv KIAA0931 946 KKLCTLAQsygcQDNVGAMVV 966 //