hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/Pfam.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080502/iprscan-20080502-05572272/chunk_1/iprscan-20080502-05572272.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: KIAA0541 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- WD domain, G-beta repeat 126.6 6.2e-35 6 PF00400.22.fs WD domain, G-beta repeat 121.9 1.7e-33 6 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- PF00400.22.fs 1/6 19 57 .. 1 38 [] 18.8 0.00025 2/6 64 105 .. 1 38 [] 24.1 0.00045 PF00400.22.fs 2/6 64 105 .. 1 38 [] 22.1 2.9e-05 3/6 464 508 .. 1 38 [] 31.7 2.3e-06 PF00400.22.fs 3/6 464 508 .. 1 38 [] 29.7 2.1e-07 5/6 560 598 .. 1 38 [] 27.3 5e-05 PF00400.22.fs 5/6 560 598 .. 1 38 [] 25.3 3.6e-06 PF00400.22.fs 6/6 1394 1421 .. 1 27 [. 19.9 0.00012 Alignments of top-scoring domains: PF00400.22.fs: domain 1 of 6, from 19 to 57: score 18.8, E = 0.00025 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* ++ ++ t+ +++v d g ++++g++Dg i++Wd KIAA0541 19 PIVLwGRkAPTHCISAVLLTDD-GATIVTGCHDGQICLWD 57 domain 2 of 6, from 64 to 105: score 24.1, E = 0.00045 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspd..sgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* ++ l gHt+++tc++ + +++ ++++s+S+ g ++Wd KIAA0541 64 INPRaLLfGHTASITCLSKACAssDKQYIVSASESGEMCLWD 105 PF00400.22.fs: domain 2 of 6, from 64 to 105: score 22.1, E = 2.9e-05 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspd..sgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* ++ l gHt+++tc++ + +++ ++++s+S+ g ++Wd KIAA0541 64 INPRaLLfGHTASITCLSKACAssDKQYIVSASESGEMCLWD 105 domain 3 of 6, from 464 to 508: score 31.7, E = 2.3e-06 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspd.....sgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<- + + ++l+gH + Vtc+ + + ++ ++++l+sg+ D ++ iWd KIAA0541 464 WPPHrTLrGHRNKVTCLLYPHQvsaryDQRYLISGGVDFSVIIWD 508 * KIAA0541 - - PF00400.22.fs: domain 3 of 6, from 464 to 508: score 29.7, E = 2.1e-07 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspd.....sgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<- + + ++l+gH + Vtc+ + + ++ ++++l+sg+ D ++ iWd KIAA0541 464 WPPHrTLrGHRNKVTCLLYPHQvsaryDQRYLISGGVDFSVIIWD 508 * KIAA0541 - - domain 5 of 6, from 560 to 598: score 27.3, E = 5e-05 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* ++c+ + H ++ +++ p+ +l+ g++Dg++++W KIAA0541 560 KKCImLAsRHLFPIQVIKWRPS-DDYLVVGCSDGSVYVWQ 598 PF00400.22.fs: domain 5 of 6, from 560 to 598: score 25.3, E = 3.6e-06 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* ++c+ + H ++ +++ p+ +l+ g++Dg++++W KIAA0541 560 KKCImLAsRHLFPIQVIKWRPS-DDYLVVGCSDGSVYVWQ 598 PF00400.22.fs: domain 6 of 6, from 1394 to 1421: score 19.9, E = 0.00012 *->geck.vl.gHtstVtcvafspdsgpllas<-* ++++gH++++t+vaf+pd g++la+ KIAA0541 1394 TGKCqTIhGHKGPITAVAFAPD-GRYLAT 1421 //