10th anniversary of Kazusa DNA Research Institute

"Beyond the Identification of Transcribed Sequences: Functional, Expression and Evolutionary Analysis"
14th International Workshop

29-31 October, 2004
Kazusa Akademia hall, Kisarazu, Chiba, Japan

  This meeting is part of celebration of 10th anniversary of Kazusa DNA Research Institute and is part-sponsored by the Kazusa DNA Research Institute and the US Department of Energy and Chiba Industry Advancement Center JST-CREATE program. If you would like to know more about the previous BITS meeting, you could find the report on the 13th BITS meeting in Cytogenet. Genome Res. [105:11-17 (2004) ]. Because this is the first BITS meeting in Asia, we would expect that many researchers in Asia would be particularly interested in this meeting.
  The aim of this meeting is to bring together scientists from around the world with a broad spectrum of interests and expertise in genomics and post-genomic science. It will thus have workshop format, providing an ideal forum for learning more about cutting-edge developments in genome science and the opportunity to discuss these further with the speakers.
  Besides oral presentation by invited speakers, the meeting will provide you with an opportunity to present your recent studies by poster presentation. In addition, we are planning to have an exhibition of biotechnology instruments and luncheon seminars in the meeting. We hope you will fully enjoy these opportunities.

Topics to be covered will include:
  • plant functional genomics
  • annotation of human and model organism genomic sequence, including promoter and other regulatory sequence predictions
  • transcriptional network analysis in mammalian and model organisms
  • approaches to functional determinations by mutational biochemical analysis in model organisms
  • structural and functional features of RNA including conservation of non coding regions, alternative splicing, RNA editing and RNA decay
  • sequence, structure and functional analyses of proteins
  • new technologies including protein chip and single molecular imaging
Registration fee: none

Abstracts and Photos: http://www.kazusa.or.jp/workshop/BITS2004/photo/