hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mbg/mbg03129/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mKIAA4141 ( 1593 res) mbg03129 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- LRR_TYP Leucine-rich repeats, typical (most populate 300.4 1.3e-85 17 EGF Epidermal growth factor-like domain. 225.7 4e-63 9 LRRCT Leucine rich repeat C-terminal domain 162.2 5.2e-44 4 LamG Laminin G domain 144.9 8.4e-39 1 LRRNT Leucine rich repeat N-terminal domain 141.7 7.7e-38 4 LRR_PS Leucine-rich repeat, plant-specific subfamil 72.5 5.4e-17 13 EGF_CA Calcium-binding EGF-like domain 71.4 1.1e-16 9 CT C-terminal cystine knot-like domain (CTCK) 23.3 0.00067 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- LRRNT 1/4 95 127 .. 1 38 [] 44.3 1.6e-08 LRR_TYP 1/17 121 145 .. 1 24 [] 3.3 1.6e+02 LRR_PS 1/13 146 168 .. 1 24 [] 7.6 1.2e+02 LRR_TYP 2/17 146 169 .. 1 24 [] 24.0 0.021 LRR_PS 2/13 170 192 .. 1 24 [] 8.7 88 LRR_TYP 3/17 170 193 .. 1 24 [] 17.0 2.8 LRR_TYP 4/17 194 217 .. 1 24 [] 18.2 1.2 LRR_TYP 5/17 222 241 .. 1 24 [] 3.6 1.5e+02 LRR_PS 3/13 242 264 .. 1 24 [] 7.4 1.3e+02 LRR_TYP 6/17 242 265 .. 1 24 [] 23.8 0.024 LRR_PS 4/13 266 289 .. 1 24 [] 1.7 7.3e+02 LRRCT 1/4 277 326 .. 1 55 [] 45.2 8.8e-09 LRRNT 2/4 344 376 .. 1 38 [] 41.5 1.1e-07 LRR_TYP 7/17 370 394 .. 1 24 [] 8.8 35 LRR_PS 5/13 395 417 .. 1 24 [] 10.6 50 LRR_TYP 8/17 395 418 .. 1 24 [] 27.2 0.0023 LRR_PS 6/13 419 441 .. 1 24 [] 19.5 0.46 LRR_TYP 9/17 419 442 .. 1 24 [] 27.0 0.0026 LRR_TYP 10/17 443 466 .. 1 24 [] 17.8 1.5 LRR_PS 7/13 467 489 .. 1 24 [] 3.4 4.3e+02 LRR_TYP 11/17 467 490 .. 1 24 [] 20.2 0.29 LRRCT 2/4 502 551 .. 1 55 [] 36.1 4.8e-06 LRRNT 3/4 569 601 .. 1 38 [] 36.5 3.6e-06 LRR_PS 8/13 621 643 .. 1 24 [] 9.6 68 LRR_TYP 12/17 621 644 .. 1 24 [] 27.7 0.0017 LRR_TYP 13/17 669 692 .. 1 24 [] 18.2 1.2 LRR_TYP 14/17 693 716 .. 1 24 [] 23.4 0.033 LRR_PS 9/13 693 716 .. 1 24 [] 0.8 9.5e+02 LRRCT 3/4 728 777 .. 1 55 [] 38.5 8.9e-07 LRRNT 4/4 790 822 .. 1 38 [] 41.8 9.2e-08 LRR_PS 10/13 818 839 .. 1 24 [] 3.9 3.7e+02 LRR_PS 11/13 840 862 .. 1 24 [] 8.2 1e+02 LRR_TYP 15/17 840 863 .. 1 24 [] 13.8 8.6 LRR_PS 12/13 864 887 .. 1 24 [] 7.9 1.1e+02 LRR_TYP 16/17 864 887 .. 1 24 [] 29.0 0.00066 LRR_PS 13/13 888 910 .. 1 24 [] 13.1 24 LRR_TYP 17/17 888 911 .. 1 24 [] 28.5 0.0009 LRRCT 4/4 923 972 .. 1 55 [] 58.4 9.4e-13 EGF_CA 1/9 982 1019 .. 1 34 [] 11.0 0.073 EGF 1/9 985 1019 .. 1 32 [] 32.7 5.1e-05 EGF_CA 2/9 1025 1060 .. 1 34 [] -0.5 1.9 EGF 2/9 1024 1060 .. 1 32 [] 35.8 5.8e-06 EGF_CA 3/9 1062 1098 .. 1 34 [] 40.1 2.9e-07 EGF 3/9 1065 1098 .. 1 32 [] 34.2 1.8e-05 EGF_CA 4/9 1100 1138 .. 1 34 [] 23.4 0.0021 EGF 4/9 1103 1138 .. 1 32 [] 34.5 1.4e-05 EGF 5/9 1143 1176 .. 1 32 [] 38.0 1.3e-06 EGF_CA 5/9 1140 1176 .. 1 34 [] 45.9 5.3e-09 EGF_CA 6/9 1191 1221 .. 1 34 [] 10.0 0.097 EGF 6/9 1188 1221 .. 1 32 [] 33.9 2.2e-05 LamG 1/1 1244 1380 .. 1 137 [] 144.9 8.4e-39 EGF_CA 7/9 1400 1432 .. 1 34 [] 8.4 0.15 EGF 7/9 1399 1432 .. 1 32 [] 29.4 0.0005 EGF_CA 8/9 1437 1471 .. 1 34 [] -0.6 2 EGF 8/9 1438 1471 .. 1 32 [] 26.0 0.0051 EGF_CA 9/9 1477 1512 .. 1 34 [] -3.4 4.4 EGF 9/9 1479 1512 .. 1 32 [] 25.8 0.0059 CT 1/1 1523 1592 .. 1 94 [] 23.3 0.00067 Alignments of top-scoring domains: LRRNT: domain 1 of 4, from 95 to 127: score 44.3, E = 1.6e-08 *->qCPapCtCspdfgtaVdCsgrgLttlevPldlPadttl<-* +CPa+C Cs g++VdC+g+ L+ +vP+ +P++t+ mKIAA4141 95 ACPAQCSCS---GSTVDCHGLALR--SVPRNIPRNTER 127 LRR_TYP: domain 1 of 17, from 121 to 145: score 3.3, E = 1.6e+02 *->LpnL.reLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* p +++LdL++N++t++ F+g mKIAA4141 121 IPRNtERLDLNGNNITRITKIDFAG 145 LRR_PS: domain 1 of 13, from 146 to 168: score 7.6, E = 1.2e+02 *->LtsLqvLdLsnNnLsGeIPsslgn<-* L++L+vL L +N++s +I ++ mKIAA4141 146 LRHLRVLQLMENRIS-TIERGAFQ 168 LRR_TYP: domain 2 of 17, from 146 to 169: score 24.0, E = 0.021 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* L++Lr+L L N+++++ +gaFq+ mKIAA4141 146 LRHLRVLQLMENRISTIERGAFQD 169 LRR_PS: domain 2 of 13, from 170 to 192: score 8.7, E = 88 *->LtsLqvLdLsnNnLsGeIPsslgn<-* L+ L++L+L+ NnL +P+ l+ mKIAA4141 170 LKELERLRLNRNNLQ-LFPELLFL 192 LRR_TYP: domain 3 of 17, from 170 to 193: score 17.0, E = 2.8 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* L +L++L+L++N+L+ P+ +F g mKIAA4141 170 LKELERLRLNRNNLQLFPELLFLG 193 LRR_TYP: domain 4 of 17, from 194 to 217: score 18.2, E = 1.2 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* +L +LdLs Nq++++P+ aF+g mKIAA4141 194 TAKLYRLDLSENQIQAIPRKAFRG 217 LRR_TYP: domain 5 of 17, from 222 to 241: score 3.6, E = 1.5e+02 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* + L L++Nq++ + +gaF+ mKIAA4141 222 ----KNLQLDYNQISCIEDGAFRA 241 LRR_PS: domain 3 of 13, from 242 to 264: score 7.4, E = 1.3e+02 *->LtsLqvLdLsnNnLsGeIPsslgn<-* L+ L+vL L+nNn++ + +n mKIAA4141 242 LRDLEVLTLNNNNIT-RLSVASFN 264 LRR_TYP: domain 6 of 17, from 242 to 265: score 23.8, E = 0.024 *->LpnLreLdLsnNqLtsLPpgaFqg<-* L+ L++L L+nN++t+L F++ mKIAA4141 242 LRDLEVLTLNNNNITRLSVASFNH 265 [output cut off at A = 10 top alignments] //