hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/Pfam Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mbg/mbg05860/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mKIAA4123 ( 639 res) mbg05860 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- WD40 WD domain, G-beta repeat 242.6 5.7e-69 7 F-box F-box domain 34.2 2.9e-06 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- F-box 1/1 215 264 .. 1 44 [] 34.2 2.9e-06 WD40 1/7 328 363 .. 1 38 [] 25.6 0.0012 WD40 2/7 368 403 .. 1 38 [] 47.2 3.6e-10 WD40 3/7 408 443 .. 1 38 [] 27.9 0.00024 WD40 4/7 451 486 .. 1 38 [] 40.3 4.3e-08 WD40 5/7 491 526 .. 1 38 [] 38.6 1.4e-07 WD40 6/7 531 566 .. 1 38 [] 45.4 1.3e-09 WD40 7/7 580 615 .. 1 38 [] 31.2 2.4e-05 Alignments of top-scoring domains: F-box: domain 1 of 1, from 215 to 264: score 34.2, E = 2.9e-06 *->lldLPde....llleIlsrLdpkdllrlslVSkrwrslvdsl.lwf. + LP + +++ ++Ils+Ld+k+l+++ lV+k w+++ ++ lw++ mKIAA4123 215 ITALPARgldhIAENILSYLDAKSLCAAELVCKEWYRVTSDGmLWKk 261 kll<-* + mKIAA4123 262 LIE 264 WD40: domain 1 of 7, from 328 to 363: score 25.6, E = 0.0012 *->eclavl.gHtspVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* + ++ + +++V+c+ ++ ++sg rD+tikiWd mKIAA4123 328 QRIHCRsETSKGVYCLQYDDQ---KIVSGLRDNTIKIWD 363 WD40: domain 2 of 7, from 368 to 403: score 47.2, E = 3.6e-10 *->eclavl.gHtspVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* ec+++l+gHt++V c+ ++ ++++gS+D t+++Wd mKIAA4123 368 ECKRILtGHTGSVLCLQYDER---VIITGSSDSTVRVWD 403 WD40: domain 3 of 7, from 408 to 443: score 27.9, E = 0.00024 *->eclavl.gHtspVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* e l +l +H +V ++f+ +++++S D++i +Wd mKIAA4123 408 EMLNTLiHHCEAVLHLRFNNG---MMVTCSKDRSIAVWD 443 WD40: domain 4 of 7, from 451 to 486: score 40.3, E = 4.3e-08 *->eclavl.gHtspVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* ++ +vl gH ++V+ v+f+ +++s+S D+tik+W+ mKIAA4123 451 TLRRVLvGHRAAVNVVDFDDK---YIVSASGDRTIKVWN 486 WD40: domain 5 of 7, from 491 to 526: score 38.6, E = 1.4e-07 *->eclavl.gHtspVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* e +++l+gH+ ++ c+ + l++sgS+D+ti++Wd mKIAA4123 491 EFVRTLnGHKRGIACLQYRDR---LVVSGSSDNTIRLWD 526 WD40: domain 6 of 7, from 531 to 566: score 45.4, E = 1.3e-09 *->eclavl.gHtspVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* cl+vl+gH+ V+c++f+ +++sg Dg+ik+Wd mKIAA4123 531 ACLRVLeGHEELVRCIRFDNK---RIVSGAYDGKIKVWD 566 WD40: domain 7 of 7, from 580 to 615: score 31.2, E = 2.4e-05 *->eclavl.gHtspVtcvafspdsgpllasgSrDgtikiWd<-* cl++l H++ V + f+ +++s+S+D ti iWd mKIAA4123 580 LCLRTLvEHSGRVFRLQFDEF---QIVSSSHDDTILIWD 615 //