hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/meh/meh00056/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mKIAA2029 ( 1233 res) meh00056 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- TSP1 Thrombospondin type 1 repeats 135.3 6.6e-36 6 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- TSP1 1/6 598 650 .. 1 66 [] 63.3 3.1e-14 TSP1 2/6 883 937 .. 1 66 [] 2.6 5.6 TSP1 3/6 939 996 .. 1 66 [] 25.0 0.01 TSP1 4/6 998 1057 .. 1 66 [] 26.7 0.0032 TSP1 5/6 1063 1124 .. 1 66 [] 20.8 0.051 TSP1 6/6 1138 1190 .. 1 66 [] 34.3 1.7e-05 Alignments of top-scoring domains: TSP1: domain 1 of 6, from 598 to 650: score 63.3, E = 3.1e-14 *->wseWseWSpCSgvtCGgGgrtegvrtRtRsslrvccspppprnqngg ws+Ws+WSpCS +tCGgG + +R R c +p p+ gg mKIAA2029 598 WSDWSPWSPCS-RTCGGG-----ISHRDR----LCTNPRPS---HGG 631 epCs....EtrpCntqpnLqpCp<-* + C+++++ + Cn q Cp mKIAA2029 632 KFCQgstrTLKLCNSQ----RCP 650 TSP1: domain 2 of 6, from 883 to 937: score 2.6, E = 5.6 *->wseWseWSpCSgvtCGgGgrtegvrtRtRsslrvccspppprnqngg w S+CS v+CGgG + +c + + ++ mKIAA2029 883 WAIVR--SECS-VSCGGG-----KMNSKA----GCYRDLKV--PVNA 915 epCs.......EtrpCntqpnLqpCp<-* + C +++++ + pC ++ pCp mKIAA2029 916 SFCNpktrpvtGLVPCKVS----PCP 937 TSP1: domain 3 of 6, from 939 to 996: score 25.0, E = 0.01 *->wseWseWSpCSgvtCGgGgrtegvrtRtRsslrvccspppprnqngg ++ + WS CS +tCGgG +++R + c + + + mKIAA2029 939 SWSVGNWSVCS-RTCGGG-----TQSRPVR----CTRRAH----YRD 971 epCs..........EtrpCntqpnLqpCp<-* e+ + + ++++++ ++Cn q Cp mKIAA2029 972 ESIPaslcpqpeppIHQACNSQ----SCP 996 TSP1: domain 4 of 6, from 998 to 1057: score 26.7, E = 0.0032 *->wseWseWSpCSgvtCGgGgrtegvrtRtRsslrvccspppprnqngg +++++W +CS +tCG+G +r+Rt +c+s +p+ mKIAA2029 998 AWSTGPWAECS-RTCGKG-----WRKRTV----ACKSTNPS---ARA 1031 epCs...........EtrpCntqpnLqpCp<-* + ++ +++++++ ++C + C+ mKIAA2029 1032 QLLHdtactsepkprTHEICLLK----RCH 1057 TSP1: domain 5 of 6, from 1063 to 1124: score 20.8, E = 0.051 *->wseWseWSpCSgvtCGgGgrtegvrtRtRsslrvccspppprnqngg + s WS+CS vtC gG +++R+ + c + g mKIAA2029 1063 QWLVSAWSQCS-VTCQGG-----TQQRVLR----CAEKYIS-----G 1094 epCs...............EtrpCntqpnLqpCp<-* ++ + +++ + ++++ + r+C + pCp mKIAA2029 1095 KYRElaskkclhlpkpdleLERACGLI----PCP 1124 TSP1: domain 6 of 6, from 1138 to 1190: score 34.3, E = 1.7e-05 *->wseWseWSpCSgvtCGgGgrtegvrtRtRsslrvccspppprnqngg + s+WS+C+ ++CGgG v++Rt + c + +p mKIAA2029 1138 SWFASPWSQCT-ASCGGG-----VQRRTVQ----CLLRGQP-----A 1169 epCs......EtrpCntqpnLqpCp<-* ++C +++++ + +Cnt+ Cp mKIAA2029 1170 SDCFlhekpeTSSACNTH----FCP 1190 //