hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/Pfam Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mbg/mbg08812/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mKIAA1916 ( 588 res) mbg08812 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- EPTP EPTP domain 188.3 1.2e-52 3 LRR_1 Leucine Rich Repeat 43.7 4.3e-09 5 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- LRR_1 1/5 105 128 .. 1 25 [] 0.1 1.9e+03 LRR_1 2/5 129 152 .. 1 25 [] 11.1 27 LRR_1 3/5 153 176 .. 1 25 [] 15.6 1.2 LRR_1 4/5 177 200 .. 1 25 [] 14.8 2 LRR_1 5/5 201 224 .. 1 25 [] 6.7 1.5e+02 EPTP 1/3 263 303 .. 1 44 [] 90.6 3.2e-23 EPTP 2/3 451 492 .. 1 44 [] 91.2 2.1e-23 EPTP 3/3 496 536 .. 1 44 [] 8.9 0.3 Alignments of top-scoring domains: LRR_1: domain 1 of 5, from 105 to 128: score 0.1, E = 1.9e+03 *->nLeeLdLsgCNpslsgslpps.l.glp<-* + +L+L + + ++ + +++lp mKIAA1916 105 DISSLSLVN-G-TFL-EIKDRmFsHLP 128 LRR_1: domain 2 of 5, from 129 to 152: score 11.1, E = 27 *->nLeeLdLsgCNpslsgslpps.l.glp<-* +L+ L L++ N s++ + ++++ gl mKIAA1916 129 SLQLLLLNS-N-SFT-VIRDDaFaGLF 152 LRR_1: domain 3 of 5, from 153 to 176: score 15.6, E = 1.2 *->nLeeLdLsgCNpslsgslpps.l.glp<-* +Le+L ++g N +++ +++ ++++gl+ mKIAA1916 153 HLEYLFIEG-N-KIE-TISRNaFrGLR 176 LRR_1: domain 4 of 5, from 177 to 200: score 14.8, E = 2 *->nLeeLdLsgCNpslsgslpps.l.glp<-* L++L+L + N ++ + lp + +++l mKIAA1916 177 DLTHLSLAN-N-HI-KALPRDvFsDLD 200 LRR_1: domain 5 of 5, from 201 to 224: score 6.7, E = 1.5e+02 *->nLeeLdLsgCNpslsgslpps.l.glp<-* +L eLdL+g N +++ + + ++ l mKIAA1916 201 SLIELDLRG-N-KFE-CDCKAkWlYLW 224 EPTP: domain 1 of 3, from 263 to 303: score 90.6, E = 3.2e-23 *->FvlhqdlPnvedvlavkhFsaggDvYLaLaqpigrldSlvlrWd<-* Fv+hq+lP +++++v++F++++DvY+a+aqp+++ +++vl+Wd mKIAA1916 263 FVVHQTLP--YQSVSVDTFNSKNDVYVAIAQPSME-NCMVLEWD 303 EPTP: domain 2 of 3, from 451 to 492: score 91.2, E = 2.1e-23 *->FvlhqdlPnvedvlavkhFsaggDvYLaLaqpigrldSlvlrWd<-* Fv+h+d+Pn+edvlavk+F++++++YL+L+++ig dS+v+rW+ mKIAA1916 451 FVPHGDIPNMEDVLAVKSFRMQNTLYLSLTRFIG--DSRVMRWN 492 EPTP: domain 3 of 3, from 496 to 536: score 8.9, E = 0.3 *->FvlhqdlPnvedvlavkhFsaggDvYLaLaqpigrldSlvlrWd<-* Fv q lP +++ + +Fs + YLaL + S + Wd mKIAA1916 496 FVEVQALP-SRGAMTLQPFSFKDNHYLALGSDYT--FSQIYQWD 536 //