hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/Pfam Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mbg/mbg06467/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mKIAA1900 ( 546 res) mbg06467 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- Kelch_1 Kelch motif 146.6 4.3e-40 5 BTB BTB/POZ domain 130.9 2.3e-35 1 Kelch_2 Kelch motif 76.6 5.3e-19 4 BACK BTB And C-terminal Kelch -1.0 0.0055 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- BTB 1/1 39 146 .. 1 135 [] 130.9 2.3e-35 BACK 1/1 151 245 .. 1 103 [] -1.0 0.0055 Kelch_1 1/5 256 311 .. 1 45 [] 0.1 25 Kelch_1 2/5 313 363 .. 1 45 [] 41.5 1.9e-08 Kelch_2 1/4 313 363 .. 1 54 [] 29.6 7.4e-05 Kelch_1 3/5 365 411 .. 1 45 [] 43.8 3.8e-09 Kelch_2 2/4 365 411 .. 1 54 [] 13.7 4 Kelch_1 4/5 413 459 .. 1 45 [] 25.6 0.0012 Kelch_2 3/4 413 459 .. 1 54 [] 15.1 1.7 Kelch_1 5/5 461 511 .. 1 45 [] 35.7 1e-06 Kelch_2 4/4 461 511 .. 1 54 [] 18.4 0.17 Alignments of top-scoring domains: BTB: domain 1 of 1, from 39 to 146: score 130.9, E = 2.3e-35 *->lnelreqgelcDVtLvvgdgsgrydvgkkfkAHKavLaacSpYFkal ln++r g+lcDVtL +++ +kf+AHKavLaacS+YF+a+ mKIAA1900 39 LNQQRSDGILCDVTLIAEE--------QKFHAHKAVLAACSDYFRAM 77 FtgqfkesiteeessvsseieledvspedfealLefiYtgelsitqdqks F+ + e+ + e++l++v++ +++ Lef+Ytg + ++ mKIAA1900 78 FSLC----MVESGAD---EVNLRGVTSLGLKQALEFAYTGQILLE----- 115 PssckseenvedlLalAadllqipslvdkCeefliksl<-* ++ ++d+La++ ++lq+ l ++C ++li+ l mKIAA1900 116 ------PGVIQDVLAAG-SHLQLLELLNLCSHYLIQEL 146 BACK: domain 1 of 1, from 151 to 245: score -1.0, E = 0.0055 *->CLgIrrfAdaygceeLaeaAdrfilqnFleVaks..eEFlqLskeqL L+++r+Ad + ++ L +a+ +f+ ++ +e++ks++e+ l+L+ + L mKIAA1900 151 YLDLYRLADLFHLTLLEKAVIDFLVKHLSELLKSrpEDVLTLPYCLL 197 ielLssDeLnVpsEeeVfeAvmrWvkhdvenRkkhlpeLLshVRLpLLsp +e+L sD+L+ sEe++++ + + +R ++ ++VR + L+ mKIAA1900 198 QEVLKSDRLTSLSEEQIWQLIHS-------TRLPYPIPWCRQVRRQ-LPL 239 kyLlevve<-* + ++ + mKIAA1900 240 S--TRLWN 245 Kelch_1: domain 1 of 5, from 256 to 311: score 0.1, E = 25 *-> ++ + +Y+iGG + ++ +++p+++++ mKIAA1900 256 QTRRTKPRFQSDTLYIIGGKKRevCKVKELRYFNPVdqenaliaaIA 302 tWtklpsmp<-* W++l++mp mKIAA1900 303 NWSELAPMP 311 Kelch_1: domain 2 of 5, from 313 to 363: score 41.5, E = 1.9e-08 *->pRsgagvvvldgkiYviGGydg......qslnsvevYDpetntWtkl Rs+++v+v+++ ++v+GG + ++++ +++++ +YDp++n+W ++ mKIAA1900 313 GRSHHCVAVMGDFLFVAGGEVEhasgrtCAVRTACRYDPRSNSWAEI 359 psmp<-* ++m+ mKIAA1900 360 APMK 363 Kelch_2: domain 1 of 4, from 313 to 363: score 29.6, E = 7.4e-05 *->pryphasvvpggklyvvGGsfkgnrgtgngdesssdllvldpetnvW +r++h ++v+g+ l+v GG +++ + ++ ++ +++dp++n+W mKIAA1900 313 GRSHHCVAVMGDFLFVAGGE---VEHASGRTCAVRTACRYDPRSNSW 356 eklpalp<-* ++++++ mKIAA1900 357 AEIAPMK 363 Kelch_1: domain 3 of 5, from 365 to 411: score 43.8, E = 3.8e-09 *->pRsgagvvvldgkiYviGGydg..qslnsvevYDpetntWtklpsmp +R ++ ++d ++Y++GG++ +q l +ve+Y p++n+Wt++ s mKIAA1900 365 CREHFVLGAMDEYLYAVGGRNElrQVLPTVERYCPKKNKWTFVQSFD 411 <-* mKIAA1900 - - Kelch_2: domain 2 of 4, from 365 to 411: score 13.7, E = 4 *->pryphasvvpggklyvvGGsfkgnrgtgngdesssdllvldpetnvW +r + ++ +++ ly vGG+ + ++ ++ ++ p++n+W mKIAA1900 365 CREHFVLGAMDEYLYAVGGR-------NELRQVLPTVERYCPKKNKW 404 eklpalp<-* + +++ + mKIAA1900 405 TFVQSFD 411 Kelch_1: domain 4 of 5, from 413 to 459: score 25.6, E = 0.0012 *->pRsgagvvvldgkiYviGGydg..qslnsvevYDpetntWtklpsmp s+++ v dg++++ GG++++ q+ n vY p n+W ++m mKIAA1900 413 SLSCHAGYVADGLLWISGGVTNtaQYQNRLMVYEPNQNKWISRSPML 459 <-* mKIAA1900 - - Kelch_2: domain 3 of 4, from 413 to 459: score 15.1, E = 1.7 *->pryphasvvpggklyvvGGsfkgnrgtgngdesssdllvldpetnvW ++++ha v +g l ++GG+ n + ++++l+v+ p+ n+W mKIAA1900 413 SLSCHAGYVADGLLWISGGV-------TNTAQYQNRLMVYEPNQNKW 452 eklpalp<-* +++ mKIAA1900 453 ISRSPML 459 Kelch_1: domain 5 of 5, from 461 to 511: score 35.7, E = 1e-06 *->pRsgagvvvldgkiYviGGydg......qslnsvevYDpetntWtkl +R+++++++++ k+Yv GG d + ++++ ++ +++Y+ +t++Wt++ mKIAA1900 461 RRVYHSMAAVQRKLYVLGGNDLdynndrILVRHIDSYNIDTDQWTRC 507 psmp<-* mKIAA1900 508 NFNL 511 Kelch_2: domain 4 of 4, from 461 to 511: score 18.4, E = 0.17 *->pryphasvvpggklyvvGGsfkgnrgtgngdesssdllvldpetnvW +r+ h+++ ++ klyv GG +++ n+ + +++ ++ +t +W mKIAA1900 461 RRVYHSMAAVQRKLYVLGGN---DLDYNNDRILVRHIDSYNIDTDQW 504 eklpalp<-* ++++ mKIAA1900 505 TRCNFNL 511 //