hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/Pfam Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mbg/mbg19640/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mKIAA1781 ( 1140 res) mbg19640 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- EGF_2 EGF-like domain 137.2 3e-37 17 EMI EMI domain 118.2 1.6e-31 1 EGF EGF-like domain 75.7 9.9e-19 17 Laminin_EGF Laminin EGF-like (Domains III and V) 24.0 0.00058 14 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- EMI 1/1 72 144 .. 1 84 [] 118.2 1.6e-31 EGF_2 1/17 151 177 .. 1 37 [] 19.0 0.11 EGF 1/17 151 177 .. 1 39 [] 24.4 0.0027 EGF 2/17 190 220 .. 1 39 [] 9.4 2.3 EGF_2 2/17 194 220 .. 1 37 [] 6.5 4 Laminin_EGF 1/14 194 233 .. 1 59 [] 14.4 0.0053 EGF 3/17 233 263 .. 1 39 [] 15.6 0.57 EGF_2 3/17 237 263 .. 1 37 [] 13.9 0.61 Laminin_EGF 2/14 237 276 .. 1 59 [] 18.9 0.0019 EGF 4/17 276 306 .. 1 39 [] 19.9 0.061 EGF_2 4/17 280 306 .. 1 37 [] 23.2 0.0061 Laminin_EGF 3/14 280 319 .. 1 59 [] -5.0 0.47 EGF 5/17 319 349 .. 1 39 [] 16.5 0.46 EGF_2 5/17 323 349 .. 1 37 [] 19.6 0.073 Laminin_EGF 4/14 323 362 .. 1 59 [] 15.7 0.0039 EGF_2 6/17 366 392 .. 1 37 [] 22.6 0.0096 EGF 6/17 362 392 .. 1 39 [] 15.4 0.59 Laminin_EGF 5/14 366 406 .. 1 59 [] 6.7 0.031 EGF_2 7/17 412 438 .. 1 37 [] 3.7 8.2 EGF 7/17 406 438 .. 1 39 [] 0.3 18 Laminin_EGF 6/14 410 451 .. 1 59 [] 12.2 0.0087 EGF 8/17 451 481 .. 1 39 [] 6.7 4.1 EGF_2 8/17 455 481 .. 1 37 [] 12.4 0.89 Laminin_EGF 7/14 455 494 .. 1 59 [] 2.3 0.087 EGF_2 9/17 498 524 .. 1 37 [] 22.7 0.0088 EGF 9/17 494 524 .. 1 39 [] 17.6 0.29 Laminin_EGF 8/14 498 541 .. 1 59 [] 13.4 0.0066 EGF 10/17 528 567 .. 1 39 [] 5.1 6 EGF_2 10/17 541 567 .. 1 37 [] 16.6 0.3 EGF 11/17 571 610 .. 1 39 [] 0.1 18 EGF_2 11/17 571 610 .. 1 37 [] -2.6 42 Laminin_EGF 9/14 584 623 .. 1 59 [] 1.9 0.095 EGF_2 12/17 627 653 .. 1 37 [] 17.6 0.23 EGF 12/17 614 653 .. 1 39 [] 6.4 4.4 Laminin_EGF 10/14 627 670 .. 1 59 [] 14.5 0.0051 EGF_2 13/17 670 698 .. 1 37 [] 12.9 0.78 EGF 13/17 673 698 .. 1 39 [] 17.3 0.35 Laminin_EGF 11/14 673 711 .. 1 59 [] -1.6 0.21 EGF 14/17 711 741 .. 1 39 [] 13.3 0.94 EGF_2 14/17 715 741 .. 1 37 [] 21.4 0.021 Laminin_EGF 12/14 715 754 .. 1 59 [] 11.6 0.01 EGF_2 15/17 758 784 .. 1 37 [] 20.6 0.038 EGF 15/17 745 784 .. 1 39 [] 13.5 0.91 Laminin_EGF 13/14 758 797 .. 1 59 [] 0.8 0.12 EGF_2 16/17 801 827 .. 1 37 [] 18.0 0.21 EGF 16/17 788 827 .. 1 39 [] 4.0 7.7 Laminin_EGF 14/14 801 844 .. 1 59 [] 21.6 0.001 EGF_2 17/17 844 870 .. 1 37 [] 16.3 0.32 EGF 17/17 840 870 .. 1 39 [] 17.4 0.33 Alignments of top-scoring domains: EMI: domain 1 of 1, from 72 to 144: score 118.2, E = 1.6e-31 *->grnvCayqevsryvvtvlesgsepfvqryytpCawpqpserhriCsg ++nvC+++e +y vtv+es+++pf+q yyt Ca+++++ ++C++ mKIAA1781 72 DPNVCSHWE--SYAVTVQESYAHPFDQIYYTRCADILNW---FKCTR 113 yEvrvvYRtayRpvyrtkyrtvTqlvwrCCPGysgsd<-* +r++Y+tayR+ +rt+yr ++ +CCPGy++ + mKIAA1781 114 --HRISYKTAYRRGLRTMYR----RRSQCCPGYYENG 144 EGF_2: domain 1 of 17, from 151 to 177: score 19.0, E = 0.11 *->C...CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+++C hG+Cvsp C+C++g + G+dC mKIAA1781 151 CteeCM--HGRCVSPDT-------CHCEPG----WGGPDC 177 EGF: domain 1 of 17, from 151 to 177: score 24.4, E = 0.0027 *->CspnngpCsngGtCvdtpggytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* C++ C++ G+Cv+ + tC+C pG + G++C mKIAA1781 151 CTE---ECMH-GRCVSPD---TCHCEPG-----WGGPDC 177 EGF: domain 2 of 17, from 190 to 220: score 9.4, E = 2.3 *->CspnngpCsngGtCvdtpggytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* Cs C+ng+ C++ + C C+pG + G rC mKIAA1781 190 CSNRC-QCQNGALCNPI--TGACVCAPG-----FRGWRC 220 EGF_2: domain 2 of 17, from 194 to 220: score 6.5, E = 4 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C++ + C+ +g CvC +g + G C mKIAA1781 194 CqCQN-GALCNPI------TGACVCAPG----FRGWRC 220 Laminin_EGF: domain 1 of 14, from 194 to 233: score 14.4, E = 0.0053 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrCdr.CkpG C+C + + C++ +tG+C+ C p++ G rC++ C+pG mKIAA1781 194 CQCQNGA-----LCNP-------ITGACV-CAPGFRGWRCEElCAPG 227 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* ++g gC mKIAA1781 228 THGK-------GC 233 EGF: domain 3 of 17, from 233 to 263: score 15.6, E = 0.57 *->CspnngpCsngGtCvdtpggytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* C+ C++g+ C + + +C C+pG ytG +C mKIAA1781 233 CQLLC-QCHHGASCDPR--TGECLCAPG-----YTGVYC 263 EGF_2: domain 3 of 17, from 237 to 263: score 13.9, E = 0.61 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C+ + C+ +g C C +g y+G +C mKIAA1781 237 CqCHH-GASCDPR------TGECLCAPG----YTGVYC 263 Laminin_EGF: domain 2 of 14, from 237 to 276: score 18.9, E = 0.0019 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrCdr.CkpG C+C++ + +Cd+ +tG+Cl C p++tG C++ C pG mKIAA1781 237 CQCHHGA-----SCDP-------RTGECL-CAPGYTGVYCEElCPPG 270 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* + + + C mKIAA1781 271 SH-----GAH--C 276 EGF: domain 4 of 17, from 276 to 306: score 19.9, E = 0.061 *->CspnngpCsngGtCvdtpggytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* C pC+ngGtC+ + +C CppG +tG C mKIAA1781 276 CELRC-PCQNGGTCHHI--TGECACPPG-----WTGAVC 306 EGF_2: domain 4 of 17, from 280 to 306: score 23.2, E = 0.0061 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C++ +GtC+ +g C C++g ++Ga C mKIAA1781 280 CpCQN-GGTCHHI------TGECACPPG----WTGAVC 306 Laminin_EGF: domain 3 of 14, from 280 to 319: score -5.0, E = 0.47 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrCdr.CkpG C C + G tC+ +tG+C C p+ tG C ++C pG mKIAA1781 280 CPCQNGG-----TCHH-------ITGECA-CPPGWTGAVCAQpCPPG 313 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* ++g q+C mKIAA1781 314 TFG-------QNC 319 EGF: domain 5 of 17, from 319 to 349: score 16.5, E = 0.46 *->CspnngpCsngGtCvdtpggytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* Cs++ pC++gG+C + + +C+C+ G y G+rC mKIAA1781 319 CSQDC-PCHHGGQCDHV--TGQCHCTAG-----YMGDRC 349 EGF_2: domain 5 of 17, from 323 to 349: score 19.6, E = 0.073 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C+ +G+C+ + +g+C+C+ g y G+ C mKIAA1781 323 CpCHH-GGQCD--HV----TGQCHCTAG----YMGDRC 349 Laminin_EGF: domain 4 of 14, from 323 to 362: score 15.7, E = 0.0039 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrC.drCkpG C C++ G +Cd +tGqC+ C +++G+rC+++C G mKIAA1781 323 CPCHHGG-----QCDH-------VTGQCH-CTAGYMGDRCqEECPFG 356 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* ++ ++ C mKIAA1781 357 TF-----GFL--C 362 EGF_2: domain 6 of 17, from 366 to 392: score 22.6, E = 0.0096 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C++ +G+C +g C+C++g y G+ C mKIAA1781 366 CdCHN-GGQCSPA------TGACECEPG----YKGPSC 392 EGF: domain 6 of 17, from 362 to 392: score 15.4, E = 0.59 *->CspnngpCsngGtCvdtpggytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* Cs+ C+ngG+C + + CeC pG y+G+ C mKIAA1781 362 CSQRC-DCHNGGQCSPA--TGACECEPG-----YKGPSC 392 Laminin_EGF: domain 5 of 14, from 366 to 406: score 6.7, E = 0.031 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrCdr..Ckp CdC++ G +C + tG+C C p++ G+ C ++ C + mKIAA1781 366 CDCHNGG-----QCSP-------ATGACE-CEPGYKGPSCQErlCPE 399 GyyglpsgdpgqgC<-* G + +pg C mKIAA1781 400 GLH-----GPG--C 406 EGF_2: domain 7 of 17, from 412 to 438: score 3.7, E = 8.2 *->C.......CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+++++ +C+ v +g C C +g ++G +C mKIAA1781 412 CdtentisCHP-----V--------TGACTCQPG----WSGHYC 438 EGF: domain 7 of 17, from 406 to 438: score 0.3, E = 18 *->CspnngpCsngGtCvdtpg....gytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* C+ pC+ +t + ++ + C C+pG ++G++C mKIAA1781 406 CTLPC-PCDT----ENTISchpvTGACTCQPG-----WSGHYC 438 Laminin_EGF: domain 6 of 14, from 410 to 451: score 12.2, E = 0.0087 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrCdr.CkpG C C+ + s C++ +tG+C C+p+ +G C+++C G mKIAA1781 410 CPCDTENTIS---CHP-------VTGACT-CQPGWSGHYCNEsCPAG 445 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* yyg+ gC mKIAA1781 446 YYGN-------GC 451 EGF: domain 8 of 17, from 451 to 481: score 6.7, E = 4.1 *->CspnngpCsngGtCvdtpggytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* C+ C+ng+ C++ + +C C+pG + G+ C mKIAA1781 451 CQLPC-TCQNGADCHSI--TGSCTCAPG-----FMGEVC 481 EGF_2: domain 8 of 17, from 455 to 481: score 12.4, E = 0.89 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C++ + C+s +g C C +g + G C mKIAA1781 455 CtCQN-GADCHSI------TGSCTCAPG----FMGEVC 481 Laminin_EGF: domain 7 of 14, from 455 to 494: score 2.3, E = 0.087 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrCdr.CkpG C+C + + +C+s +tG C C p+++G+ C +C+ G mKIAA1781 455 CTCQNGA-----DCHS-------ITGSCT-CAPGFMGEVCAVpCAAG 488 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* +y +p C mKIAA1781 489 TY-----GPN--C 494 EGF_2: domain 9 of 17, from 498 to 524: score 22.7, E = 0.0088 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C++ +GtC p+ g C C g +qG dC mKIAA1781 498 CsCSN-GGTCS-PV-----DGSCTCREG----WQGLDC 524 EGF: domain 9 of 17, from 494 to 524: score 17.6, E = 0.29 *->CspnngpCsngGtCvdtpggytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* Cs+ CsngGtC +++ +C C +G ++G +C mKIAA1781 494 CSSVC-SCSNGGTCSPVD--GSCTCREG-----WQGLDC 524 Laminin_EGF: domain 8 of 14, from 498 to 541: score 13.4, E = 0.0066 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrCdr.CkpG C C++ G tC + + G C C+++ +G +C +C G mKIAA1781 498 CSCSNGG-----TCSP-------VDGSCT-CREGWQGLDCSLpCPSG 531 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* ++gl + + C mKIAA1781 532 TWGL---NCNETC 541 EGF: domain 10 of 17, from 528 to 567: score 5.1, E = 6 *->Cspnn..gpCsngGtCvdtpg......gytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC C++ + + +C+ tC++ g ++ + +C C+pG + G+ C mKIAA1781 528 CPSGTwgLNCNE--TCICANGaacspfDGSCACTPG-----WLGDSC 567 <-* mKIAA1781 - - EGF_2: domain 10 of 17, from 541 to 567: score 16.6, E = 0.3 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C C + + C + g C C++g + G+ C mKIAA1781 541 CiCAN-GAACSPF------DGSCACTPG----WLGDSC 567 EGF: domain 11 of 17, from 571 to 610: score 0.1, E = 18 *->Cspnn..gpCsngGtCvdtpg....gytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<- C++ + + +Cs + C +g ++ + +C C G +tG+rC mKIAA1781 571 CPDGTfgLNCSEHCDCSHADGcdpvTGHCCCLAG-----WTGIRC 610 * mKIAA1781 - - EGF_2: domain 11 of 17, from 571 to 610: score -2.6, E = 42 *->C........CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<- C++++ + +C++ h C g + +g+C C g ++G C mKIAA1781 571 CpdgtfglnCSE-HCDCSHADGCDPVTGHCCCLAG----WTGIRC 610 * mKIAA1781 - - Laminin_EGF: domain 9 of 14, from 584 to 623: score 1.9, E = 0.095 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrCd.rCkpG CdC+ h+ d Cd+ +tG+C C+ + tG rCd+ C pG mKIAA1781 584 CDCS-HA----DGCDP-------VTGHCC-CLAGWTGIRCDsTCPPG 617 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* + +p C mKIAA1781 618 RW-----GPN--C 623 EGF_2: domain 12 of 17, from 627 to 653: score 17.6, E = 0.23 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C + +G C p+ g C+C +g + G+ C mKIAA1781 627 CsCEN-GGSCS-PE-----DGSCECAPG----FRGPLC 653 EGF: domain 12 of 17, from 614 to 653: score 6.4, E = 4.4 *->Cspnn..gpCsngGtCvdtpg......gytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC C+p + +Cs C + g++ ++++ +CeC+pG + G+ C mKIAA1781 614 CPPGRwgPNCSV--SCSCENGgscspeDGSCECAPG-----FRGPLC 653 <-* mKIAA1781 - - Laminin_EGF: domain 10 of 14, from 627 to 670: score 14.5, E = 0.0051 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrCdr.CkpG C C + G +C + e G C C p++ G+ C r C pG mKIAA1781 627 CSCENGG-----SCSP-------EDGSCE-CAPGFRGPLCQRiCPPG 660 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* +yg + +q C mKIAA1781 661 FYGH---GCAQPC 670 EGF_2: domain 13 of 17, from 670 to 698: score 12.9, E = 0.78 *->C..Cngs.hGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+ C +++G C+ g+C+C +g ++Ga C mKIAA1781 670 CplCV-HsRGPCHHI------SGICECLPG----FSGALC 698 EGF: domain 13 of 17, from 673 to 698: score 17.3, E = 0.35 *->CspnngpCsngGtCvdtpggytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* C gpC++ +++ CeC pG ++G C mKIAA1781 673 CVHSRGPCHH----ISG----ICECLPG-----FSGALC 698 Laminin_EGF: domain 11 of 14, from 673 to 711: score -1.6, E = 0.21 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrCdr.CkpG C + +G C+ ++G C C+p+++G C++ C+ G mKIAA1781 673 CV-HSRG-----PCHH-------ISGICE-CLPGFSGALCNQvCAGG 705 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* ++g q+C mKIAA1781 706 HFG-------QDC 711 EGF: domain 14 of 17, from 711 to 741: score 13.3, E = 0.94 *->CspnngpCsngGtCvdtpggytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* C++ C n+GtC + + +C+C pG + Gk+C mKIAA1781 711 CAQLC-SCANNGTCSPID--GSCQCFPG-----WIGKDC 741 EGF_2: domain 14 of 17, from 715 to 741: score 21.4, E = 0.021 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C + +GtC g C+C +g + G+dC mKIAA1781 715 CsCAN-NGTCSPI------DGSCQCFPG----WIGKDC 741 Laminin_EGF: domain 12 of 14, from 715 to 754: score 11.6, E = 0.01 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrCdr.CkpG C C ++G tC + + G C+ C p+ G++C + C G mKIAA1781 715 CSCANNG-----TCSP-------IDGSCQ-CFPGWIGKDCSQaCPSG 748 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* ++ +++ C mKIAA1781 749 FW-----GSA--C 754 EGF_2: domain 15 of 17, from 758 to 784: score 20.6, E = 0.038 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C++ + C g C+C++g ++G C mKIAA1781 758 CsCHN-GASCSAE------DGACHCTPG----WTGLFC 784 EGF: domain 15 of 17, from 745 to 784: score 13.5, E = 0.91 *->Cspnn..gpCsngGtCvdtpg......gytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC C++ + ++ C + tC + g + + ++ C+C+pG +tG +C mKIAA1781 745 CPSGFwgSACFH--TCSCHNGascsaeDGACHCTPG-----WTGLFC 784 <-* mKIAA1781 - - Laminin_EGF: domain 13 of 14, from 758 to 797: score 0.8, E = 0.12 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrC.drCkpG C C++ + +C e G+C+ C p+ tG C+ rC mKIAA1781 758 CSCHNGA-----SCSA-------EDGACH-CTPGWTGLFCtQRCPSA 791 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* ++g +C mKIAA1781 792 FFGK-------DC 797 EGF_2: domain 16 of 17, from 801 to 827: score 18.0, E = 0.21 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C++ + C+ +gkC C g ++G +C mKIAA1781 801 CqCQN-GASCDHI------TGKCTCRTG----FSGRHC 827 EGF: domain 16 of 17, from 788 to 827: score 4.0, E = 7.7 *->Cspnn..gpCsngGtCvdtpg......gytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC C++ + + C + +C++ g + ++ + +C C G ++G++C mKIAA1781 788 CPSAFfgKDCGH--ICQCQNGascdhiTGKCTCRTG-----FSGRHC 827 <-* mKIAA1781 - - Laminin_EGF: domain 14 of 14, from 801 to 844: score 21.6, E = 0.001 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrCd.rCkpG C+C + + +Cd +tG C C+ +++Gr+C++rC+pG mKIAA1781 801 CQCQNGA-----SCDH-------ITGKCT-CRTGFSGRHCEqRCAPG 834 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* ++g+ + q C mKIAA1781 835 TFGY---GCQQLC 844 EGF_2: domain 17 of 17, from 844 to 870: score 16.3, E = 0.32 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C + + tC+ + +g C+C++g + G C mKIAA1781 844 CeCMN-NATCD--HV----TGTCYCSPG----FKGIRC 870 EGF: domain 17 of 17, from 840 to 870: score 17.4, E = 0.33 *->CspnngpCsngGtCvdtpggytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* C++ C+n++tC + + tC C pG ++G+rC mKIAA1781 840 CQQLC-ECMNNATCDHV--TGTCYCSPG-----FKGIRC 870 //