hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/Pfam Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mbg/mbg01642/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mKIAA1775 ( 918 res) mbg01642 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- Cadherin Cadherin domain 248.0 1.3e-70 5 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- Cadherin 1/5 101 187 .. 1 107 [] 33.7 4.1e-06 Cadherin 2/5 201 299 .. 1 107 [] 69.9 5.5e-17 Cadherin 3/5 313 406 .. 1 107 [] 53.8 3.8e-12 Cadherin 4/5 539 629 .. 1 107 [] 77.9 2.1e-19 Cadherin 5/5 636 737 .. 1 107 [] 25.6 0.0012 Alignments of top-scoring domains: Cadherin: domain 1 of 5, from 101 to 187: score 33.7, E = 4.1e-06 *->ysasvpEnapvGtevltvtAtDaDdPlgpNgrirYsilggnp.ggwF +s+pE++pvG++v t++ tD+ p i+Y i+ +++++ F mKIAA1775 101 ALFSLPEDTPVGSHVYTLNGTDPE--GDP---ISYHISFDPStRSVF 142 rIdpdtGdnegiisttkpLDREeifngeYeLtveAtDadpllasgggppl ++dp+ G i+++++LDRE +e e +++ +D+ +l mKIAA1775 143 SVDPNFGN----ITLVEELDRERE--DEIEAIISISDGL---------NL 177 sstatvtitVl<-* ++ v+i V+ mKIAA1775 178 VAE-KVVILVT 187 Cadherin: domain 2 of 5, from 201 to 299: score 69.9, E = 5.5e-17 *->ysasvpEnapvGtevltvtAtDaDdPlgpNgrirYsilggnpggwFr y ++vpEn p G+++ v+A D+D +g g+++Ys+ + + + +F+ mKIAA1775 201 YIIRVPENIPAGSSIFKVQAEDKD--TGSGGSVTYSLQNLH-SSKFS 244 IdpdtGdnegiisttkp..LDREeifngeYeLtveAtDadpllasgggpp +d+++G+ +++++ +LD+E+ + + +tv+A+D+ gg+ mKIAA1775 245 MDRHSGV----LRLQAGatLDYEKS--RAHYITVIAKDG-------GGRL 281 l......sstatvtitVl<-* ++ + s+t+tvti+V+ mKIAA1775 282 RgadmvfSATTTVTINVE 299 Cadherin: domain 3 of 5, from 313 to 406: score 53.8, E = 3.8e-12 *->ysasvpEnapvGtevltvtAtDaDdPlgpNgrirYsilggnpggwFr y + v E++ +G+evltv A+D D +g i Y++l+ + +g+F+ mKIAA1775 313 YYGYVYEDTLPGSEVLTVVAIDGD--RGKPNHILYRLLNES-DGIFE 356 IdpdtGdnegiisttkp...LDREeifngeYeLtveAtDadpllasgggp I++ +G is+ +++ L R + YeL+v +t s+g+p mKIAA1775 357 INETSGA----ISVLQSpalLRR-----EVYELHVQVTEV----NSPGSP 393 plsstatvtitVl<-* + +t++vti + mKIAA1775 394 AAQATVPVTIRIV 406 Cadherin: domain 4 of 5, from 539 to 629: score 77.9, E = 2.1e-19 *->ysasvpEnapvGtevltvtAtDaDdPlgpNgrirYsilggnpggwFr y a++pEnap G+ v vtA+D+D +gp g+++Ysi g++ ++ F mKIAA1775 539 YIARIPENAPGGSNVVAVTAVDPD--TGPWGKVHYSIYGTG-SDLFL 582 IdpdtGdnegiistt..kpLDREeifngeYeLtveAtDadpllasgggpp I+p tG i+t++ ++LD E + ++Y+++v+A D+d + mKIAA1775 583 IHPSTGL----IYTQpwASLDAEGT--SRYNFYVKAEDMD---------G 617 lsstatvtitVl<-* ++s a+v +t+l mKIAA1775 618 RYSLAEVFVTLL 629 Cadherin: domain 5 of 5, from 636 to 737: score 25.6, E = 0.0012 *->ysasvpEnapvGtevltvtAtDaDdPlgpNgrirYsilggnpggwFr +++sv E + v ++l + AtD D + pN + Ysi++ +p + F mKIAA1775 636 PQFSVQEKTMVLGTPLKIEATDQDA-EEPNNLVDYSITRAEPVNVFD 681 IdpdtGdnegiisttkpLDREeif.........ngeYeLtveAtDadpll Id +tG+ i+++ ++ + ++ +++++ +L v A+D+ mKIAA1775 682 IDAHTGE----IRLKNSIRS--LEalhnitpsgDYSWSLQVQAKDR---- 721 asgggpplsstatvtitVl<-* g+p+ s+ta + i ++ mKIAA1775 722 ---GSPSFSTTALLKIDIT 737 //