hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/Pfam Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mfj/mfj01140/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mKIAA0957 ( 713 res) mfj01140 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- Ank Ankyrin repeat 190.9 2e-53 7 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- Ank 1/7 42 74 .. 1 33 [] 50.8 2.9e-11 Ank 2/7 75 107 .. 1 33 [] 21.8 0.016 Ank 3/7 108 140 .. 1 33 [] 40.0 5.4e-08 Ank 4/7 141 173 .. 1 33 [] 24.8 0.0021 Ank 5/7 174 206 .. 1 33 [] 33.0 6.8e-06 Ank 6/7 207 239 .. 1 33 [] 41.0 2.6e-08 Ank 7/7 240 270 .. 1 33 [] 0.1 2e+02 Alignments of top-scoring domains: Ank: domain 1 of 7, from 42 to 74: score 50.8, E = 2.9e-11 *->dGfTPLHlAalrgnlevvklLlsqGAdlnaqdd<-* +G+TPLHlAa +g+l+vv+ Ll++G+dl++qdd mKIAA0957 42 HGRTPLHLAANKGHLSVVQILLKAGCDLDVQDD 74 Ank: domain 2 of 7, from 75 to 107: score 21.8, E = 0.016 *->dGfTPLHlAalrgnlevvklLlsqGAdlnaqdd<-* +T+LH A gn+e+++ L+ G+ l+ qd+ mKIAA0957 75 GDQTALHRATVVGNTEILTALIREGCALDRQDK 107 Ank: domain 3 of 7, from 108 to 140: score 40.0, E = 5.4e-08 *->dGfTPLHlAalrgnlevvklLlsqGAdlnaqdd<-* dG+T+LH Aa +g + +klL+++GA++ a+++ mKIAA0957 108 DGNTALHEAAWHGFSQSAKLLVKAGANVLARNK 140 Ank: domain 4 of 7, from 141 to 173: score 24.8, E = 0.0021 *->dGfTPLHlAalrgnlevvklLlsqGAdlnaqdd<-* G+T+LHlA+++ + + + Ll G +++++ mKIAA0957 141 AGNTALHLACQNSHSQSTRILLLGGSRADLKNN 173 Ank: domain 5 of 7, from 174 to 206: score 33.0, E = 6.8e-06 *->dGfTPLHlAalrgnlevvklLlsqGAdlnaqdd<-* G+T+LH+Aa++++l+vv+lLl++ ++++ ++ mKIAA0957 174 AGDTCLHVAARYNHLSVVRLLLNAFCSVHEKNQ 206 Ank: domain 6 of 7, from 207 to 239: score 41.0, E = 2.6e-08 *->dGfTPLHlAalrgnlevvklLlsqGAdlnaqdd<-* G+T+LH+Aa ++++vvk Ll++GAd ++++ mKIAA0957 207 AGDTALHVAAALNHKKVVKVLLEAGADTTIVNN 239 Ank: domain 7 of 7, from 240 to 270: score 0.1, E = 2e+02 *->dGfTPLHlAalrgnlevvklLlsqGAdlnaqdd<-* G+TPL A +++n+ev+ lL + A ++ mKIAA0957 240 AGQTPLETARYHNNPEVALLLTK--APQILRFS 270 //