hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/Pfam Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mbg/mbg08120/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mKIAA0690 ( 1258 res) mbg08120 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- NUC173 NUC173 domain 416.9 1.9e-121 1 HEAT HEAT repeat 31.2 2.4e-05 5 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- HEAT 1/5 245 280 .. 1 36 [] 4.1 64 HEAT 2/5 424 460 .. 1 36 [] 13.2 3.4 NUC173 1/1 485 683 .. 1 204 [] 416.9 1.9e-121 HEAT 3/5 780 816 .. 1 36 [] 6.6 29 HEAT 4/5 866 902 .. 1 36 [] 4.1 65 HEAT 5/5 951 987 .. 1 36 [] 3.4 82 Alignments of top-scoring domains: HEAT: domain 1 of 5, from 245 to 280: score 4.1, E = 64 *->e.lldellplllkllnDpdpeVReaAaeaLgalaevl<-* +l ++ ll+ + p++R+aA ++++++ mKIAA0690 245 PiTL-QVYHGLLSFTVHAKPKIRKAAQHGVCSVLKGS 280 HEAT: domain 2 of 5, from 424 to 460: score 13.2, E = 3.4 *->e.lldellplllkllnDpdpeVReaAaeaLgalaevl<-* ++l +++ + +++l +p++ V +aA ++L ++++ + mKIAA0690 424 LgHLARFFGTAVTCLLSPHSQVAAAATQTLKEILKEC 460 NUC173: domain 1 of 1, from 485 to 683: score 416.9, E = 1.9e-121 *->lcafiveelLsikfhaawkevLnvlsalFdklGkrsnPfLlkaLqil +++ vee+L++kfhaaw+ vL++l+++F+++Gk+++P ++k+Lq+l mKIAA0690 485 MFR-AVEEGLTYKFHAAWSSVLQLLGVFFEACGKQAHPVMKKCLQSL 530 gdlRtneeeffpgrkeldeaiGsAirAMGPeaVLkvlPLnlenpsdisld +dlR ++ +fp++++ld+a+G+A+ +MGPe+VL+++PL +++ ++ +ld mKIAA0690 531 CDLRLSP--HFPHTAALDQAVGAAVTSMGPEVVLQAVPLEIDGSEE-TLD 577 pgRaWLLPlLRDnirnasLsfFkseflPLaekfeskikkLaqakesiqsK ++R+WLLP++RD++r ++L+fF+++flPLa ++++k+++Laqa+ ++sK mKIAA0690 578 FPRSWLLPVIRDHVRETRLGFFTTYFLPLATTLKRKAMDLAQAGSTVESK 627 iyqTlvdQlWsLLPgFCelPtDlvesFtdefArtLgnlLyervdLRttIC iy+Tl++Q+W+LLPgFC++PtD+ sF+ ++ArtLg +++er+dLR t+C mKIAA0690 628 IYDTLQWQIWTLLPGFCTRPTDVAASFK-GLARTLGTAINERPDLRVTVC 676 qALrvLv<-* qALr+L+ mKIAA0690 677 QALRTLI 683 HEAT: domain 3 of 5, from 780 to 816: score 6.6, E = 29 *->e.lldellplllkllnDpdpeVReaAaeaLgalaevl<-* e ++++l ++ l++++ V++ A + L +++ mKIAA0690 780 EaAISKLYSTIRPYLESKVHGVQKKAYRVLEEVCASS 816 HEAT: domain 4 of 5, from 866 to 902: score 4.1, E = 65 *->e.lldellplllkllnDpdpeVReaAaeaLgalaevl<-* e+++ l+p ++ + + + R++A+ L+++ + mKIAA0690 866 EeFIAALIPEVILCTKEVSVGARKSAFTLLVEMGHAF 902 HEAT: domain 5 of 5, from 951 to 987: score 3.4, E = 82 *->e.lldellplllkllnDpdpeVReaAaeaLgalaevl<-* +++++ll+ ++ ll + +V ++A+ + + v+ mKIAA0690 951 TsTVEQLLENVCLLLASRTRDVVKSALGFIKVAVVVM 987 //