hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/Pfam Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mic/mic36088/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mKIAA0524 ( 729 res) mic36088 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- SAM_2 SAM domain (Sterile alpha motif) 96.5 5.1e-25 2 SAM_1 SAM domain (Sterile alpha motif) 52.0 1.3e-11 2 Arm Armadillo/beta-catenin-like repeat 18.5 0.16 2 TIR TIR domain -20.9 0.047 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- Arm 1/2 123 163 .. 1 41 [] 13.1 1.9 Arm 2/2 205 245 .. 1 41 [] 9.9 4.8 SAM_1 1/2 420 479 .. 1 66 [] 39.1 1e-07 SAM_2 1/2 419 481 .. 1 72 [] 42.6 9e-09 SAM_1 2/2 485 551 .. 1 66 [] 13.2 0.022 SAM_2 2/2 484 553 .. 1 72 [] 54.0 3.3e-12 TIR 1/1 569 709 .. 1 150 [] -20.9 0.047 Alignments of top-scoring domains: Arm: domain 1 of 2, from 123 to 163: score 13.1, E = 1.9 *->npenkqavveaGalppLvqLLsspdeevqeeAawALsNLaa<-* + +a++ G+l +L++LL+ p+ e++ +Aa+ L + mKIAA0524 123 AQGLCDAIRLDGGLDLLLRLLQAPELETRVQAARLLEQILV 163 Arm: domain 2 of 2, from 205 to 245: score 9.9, E = 4.8 *->npenkqavveaGalppLvqLLsspdeevqeeAawALsNLaa<-* ++e q +v aG+l + + ++ +d+ +++ +a AL N a mKIAA0524 205 SEETCQRLVAAGGLDAVLYWCRRTDPALLRHCALALANCAL 245 SAM_1: domain 1 of 2, from 420 to 479: score 39.1, E = 1e-07 *->dgwsvesVgeWLesigllgqYidnFlaagyidgdtllqlteeDLed. w V+ WL+ ig +qY++nF gd+ll+lt e+L+ + mKIAA0524 420 ASWKEAEVQTWLQQIGF-SQYCENF------RGDLLLRLTDEELQTd 459 lGvtllGHrkkIlssIqgLk<-* lG+++ rk+ + + Lk mKIAA0524 460 LGMKSSITRKRFFRELTELK 479 SAM_2: domain 1 of 2, from 419 to 481: score 42.6, E = 9e-09 *->veswslesvaeWLesiglegqYkdnFsdqgitglellllrlteedLa v sw+ +v+ WL++ig+ qY++nF+ g +ll lrlt e+L mKIAA0524 419 VASWKEAEVQTWLQQIGF-SQYCENFR-----G-DLL-LRLTDEEL- 456 klalGitsvghRkkilskiqelkqq<-* + +lG+ s + Rk+ +++ elk++ mKIAA0524 457 QTDLGMKSSITRKRFFRELTELKTF 481 SAM_1: domain 2 of 2, from 485 to 551: score 13.2, E = 0.022 *->dgwsvesVgeWLesigl.lgqYidnFlaagyidgdtllqlteeDLed + + +++WL s++ + qY+ ++ g+ d +l + +e+ L++ mKIAA0524 485 ATCDRSNLADWLGSLDPrFRQYTYGLVSCGL-DRSLLHRVSEQQLLE 530 .lGvtllGHrkkIlssIqgLk<-* + G++l Hr +Ils+ + + mKIAA0524 531 dCGIRLGVHRTRILSAAREML 551 SAM_2: domain 2 of 2, from 484 to 553: score 54.0, E = 3.3e-12 *->veswslesvaeWLesi..glegqYkdnFsdqgitglellllrlteed + +++ +++a+WL s+++++ +qY++ + ++g++ +ll +r++e++ mKIAA0524 484 YATCDRSNLADWLGSLdpRF-RQYTYGLVSCGLDR-SLL-HRVSEQQ 527 LaklalGitsvghRkkilskiqelkqq<-* L ++++Gi + hR +ils++ e++++ mKIAA0524 528 L-LEDCGIRLGVHRTRILSAAREMLHS 553 TIR: domain 1 of 1, from 569 to 709: score -20.9, E = 0.047 *->vFisfsgksrsnddrdtFvshllkeLeekkqpginlfiddrDelpGe vFis+++ + +++s l+ +L g+ +fid + +++G+ mKIAA0524 569 VFISYRR-----NSGSQLASLLKVHLQLH---GFSVFIDVEKLEAGK 607 silenlfeaIekSRiaivifS....snyasSeLWCLdELveimkcaleqg + + + I + ++S + ++ +++ C d +++ al+ g mKIAA0524 608 FEDKLIQSVIAARNF-VLVLSagalDKCMQDH-DCKDWVHKEIVTALSCG 655 nkkvilpiFykVd..psdvrpkqtgkFgkaflktlkwsgdktersqsdri k i+pi + ++ + +p + + + f+ +kws++ +e ++++i mKIAA0524 656 --KNIVPIIDGFEwpEPQALP-EDMQAVLTFN-GIKWSHEYQE-ATIEKI 700 kfWkkalya<-* + + + + mKIAA0524 701 IRFLQGRPS 709 //