hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mbg/mbg10008/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mKIAA0465 ( 1485 res) mbg10008 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- SPEC Spectrin repeats 589.3 1.4e-172 9 GAS2 Growth-Arrest-Specific Protein 2 Domain 193.9 1.5e-53 1 EFh EF-hand, calcium binding motif 47.9 1.4e-09 2 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- SPEC 1/9 98 200 .. 1 104 [] 61.4 1.1e-13 SPEC 2/9 207 310 .. 1 104 [] 72.2 6.6e-17 SPEC 3/9 317 419 .. 1 104 [] 93.8 2.1e-23 SPEC 4/9 426 529 .. 1 104 [] 65.6 6.1e-15 SPEC 5/9 536 638 .. 1 104 [] 72.7 4.4e-17 SPEC 6/9 645 748 .. 1 104 [] 77.5 1.6e-18 SPEC 7/9 755 856 .. 1 104 [] 89.5 4e-22 SPEC 8/9 863 965 .. 1 104 [] 61.8 8.8e-14 SPEC 9/9 972 1102 .. 1 104 [] 50.3 2.6e-10 EFh 1/2 1136 1164 .. 1 29 [] 24.6 0.013 EFh 2/2 1172 1200 .. 1 29 [] 23.4 0.032 GAS2 1/1 1211 1289 .. 1 76 [] 193.9 1.5e-53 Alignments of top-scoring domains: SPEC: domain 1 of 9, from 98 to 200: score 61.4, E = 1.1e-13 *->qqFlrdadeleaWleekeqllssedlgeskDlesveallkkHqalea ++F d++ l+ +++++ ++ + + + D++ ++++ + +++++ mKIAA0465 98 EKFWYDMAALLTTIKDTQDIVHDLESP-GIDPSIIKQQVEAAETIKE 143 elaaheervdalnelgeqLieesghpdaeeIeerleeLnerWeeLlelae e + +e+++ + lg +Li ++g+ +++e+++ ++e+n++We+L + ++ mKIAA0465 144 ETDGLHEELEFIRILGADLIFACGETEKPEVKKSIDEMNNAWENLNKTWK 193 eRrqkLe<-* eR +kLe mKIAA0465 194 ERLEKLE 200 SPEC: domain 2 of 9, from 207 to 310: score 72.2, E = 6.6e-17 *->qqFlrdadeleaWleeke.qllssedlgeskDlesveallkkHqale q+++ ++ + +Wl+++ +l++ ++g Dl +v+++l + ++++ mKIAA0465 207 VQYQDTLQAMFDWLDNTViKLCTMPPVG--TDLNTVKDQLNEMKEFK 251 aelaaheervdalnelgeqLiee.sghpdaeeIeerleeLnerWeeLlel e+ +++ ++++ln++ge ++++ + d + I+e l+eL++ We+L e+ mKIAA0465 252 VEVYQQQIEMEKLNHQGELMLKKaTDETDRDIIREPLTELKHLWENLGEK 301 aeeRrqkLe<-* + R++kLe mKIAA0465 302 IAHRQHKLE 310 SPEC: domain 3 of 9, from 317 to 419: score 93.8, E = 2.1e-23 *->qqFlrdadeleaWleekeqllssedlgeskDlesveallkkHqalea qF+++++el++Wl+ +e+ll + + s+D+ +e+ l kH l++ mKIAA0465 317 GQFQHALEELMSWLTHTEELLDAQRPI-SGDPKVIEVELAKHHVLKN 362 elaaheervdalnelgeqLieesghpdaeeIeerleeLnerWeeLlelae ++ ah+++v ++n++g +L+e+s ++da +++ rle +n+ We++l+++e mKIAA0465 363 DVLAHQATVATVNKAGSELLESSAGDDASSLRSRLETMNQCWESVLQKTE 412 eRrqkLe<-* eR+q+L+ mKIAA0465 413 EREQQLQ 419 SPEC: domain 4 of 9, from 426 to 529: score 65.6, E = 6.1e-15 *->qqFlrdadeleaWleeke.qllssedlgeskDlesveallkkHqale q F++++++++ l+ +e+ql +s+++g + +e+++++l+ H +l mKIAA0465 426 QGFHSEIEDFLLELNRMEnQLSASKPTG--GLPETAREQLDTHMELH 470 aelaaheervdalnelgeqLiee.sghpdaeeIeerleeLnerWeeLlel l a+ee +++l + g+ ++ ++ + e+ ++ L+++W+++ + mKIAA0465 471 SQLRAKEEIYNQLLDKGRLMLLSrGDSGSGSKTEQSVALLEQKWHAVSSK 520 aeeRrqkLe<-* +eeR+ kLe mKIAA0465 521 VEERKSKLE 529 SPEC: domain 5 of 9, from 536 to 638: score 72.7, E = 4.4e-17 *->qqFlrdadeleaWleekeqllssedlgeskDlesveallkkHqalea +F+ ++e+++Wl+ +eq l+ ++ s l +v +++++H+ + + mKIAA0465 536 TEFQNSLQEFINWLTLAEQSLNIASPP-SLILNTVLSQIEEHKVFAN 581 elaaheervdalnelgeqLieesghpdaeeIeerleeLnerWeeLlelae e++ h++++ +l+++g+qL+ s+ d I++ l +++rWe++ +++ mKIAA0465 582 EVNDHRDQIIELDQTGNQLKFLSQKQDVVLIKNLLVSVQSRWEKVVQRSI 631 eRrqkLe<-* eR++ L+ mKIAA0465 632 ERGRSLD 638 SPEC: domain 6 of 9, from 645 to 748: score 77.5, E = 1.6e-18 *->qqFlrdadeleaWleeke.qllssedlgeskDlesveallkkHqale qF+++ + l++Wle++e+ l s ++ +D++ ++ +l kH++++ mKIAA0465 645 KQFHEAWKKLIDWLEDAEsHLDSELEIS--NDPDKIKLQLSKHKEFQ 689 aelaaheervdalnelgeqLiee.sghpdaeeIeerleeLnerWeeLlel + l +++ +d+ +++g++L+e++ d +++ + l e++++W+ ++ + mKIAA0465 690 KTLGGKQPVYDTTIRTGRALKEKtLLAGDTQKLDNLLGEVRDKWDTVCGK 739 aeeRrqkLe<-* + eR++kLe mKIAA0465 740 SVERQHKLE 748 SPEC: domain 7 of 9, from 755 to 856: score 89.5, E = 4e-22 *->qqFlrdadeleaWleeke.qllssedlgeskDlesveallkkHqale qF+++++ l +Wl e+ql++++++ +Dl+ v++l++ H+ ++ mKIAA0465 755 GQFMDALQALVDWLYKVEpQLAEDQPVH--GDLDLVMNLMDAHKVFQ 799 aelaaheervdalnelgeqLieesghpdaeeIeerleeLnerWeeLlela +el + +v+ l++ g++Lie + +d ++ +l+eL +rW+ +++l+ mKIAA0465 800 KELGKRTGTVQVLKRSGRELIEG-SRDDTTWVKGQLQELSTRWDTVCKLS 848 eeRrqkLe<-* ++ +Le mKIAA0465 849 VSKQSRLE 856 SPEC: domain 8 of 9, from 863 to 965: score 61.8, E = 8.8e-14 *->qqFlrdadeleaWleeke.qllssedlgeskDlesveallkkHqale ++F + + l++Wl+e+e++l l+ +D e++++l++ H++++ mKIAA0465 863 EEFRDTVHMLLEWLSEAEqTLRFRGALP--DDTEALQSLIDTHKEFM 907 aelaaheervdalnelgeqLieesghpdaeeIeerleeLnerWeeLlela + +++++ v++ ++ge++++ ++++ +I+ +++ +++r+ee+l +a mKIAA0465 908 KKVEEKRVDVNTAVAMGEAILAVCHPDCITTIKHWITIIRARFEEVLTWA 957 eeRrqkLe<-* ++ +q+Le mKIAA0465 958 KQHQQRLE 965 SPEC: domain 9 of 9, from 972 to 1102: score 50.3, E = 2.6e-10 *->qqFlrdadeleaWleeke...qllssedlgeskDlesveallkkHqa + ++el+aW++ +e++ + +e+++ + ++ v+al+ +Hq mKIAA0465 972 VANAELLEELLAWIQWAEttlIQRDQEPIP--QNIDRVKALITEHQS 1016 leaelaaheervdalnelgeqLieesghpdaeeIeerl............ +++e++ +++ vd ++++ ++ e + +a+ e+ +++++++ +++++ mKIAA0465 1017 FMEEMTRKQPDVDRVTKTYKRKSVE--PTHAPFMEKSRsgsrkslnqptp 1064 ................eeLnerWeeLlelaeeRrqkLe<-* ++ + ++++ ++++ ++L +rW+++ la eR++kL+ mKIAA0465 1065 ppmpilsqseaknpriNQLSARWQQVWLLALERQRKLN 1102 EFh: domain 1 of 2, from 1136 to 1164: score 24.6, E = 0.013 *->elkeaFrefDkDgdGkIdfeEfkallksl<-* +++ Fr +DkD dGkI+ +Ef++++ + mKIAA0465 1136 RVMDFFRRIDKDQDGKITRQEFIDGILAS 1164 [output cut off at A = 10 top alignments] //