hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/Pfam Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mbg/mbg19517/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mKIAA0345 ( 962 res) mbg19517 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- Cadherin Cadherin domain 270.4 2.4e-77 5 Cadherin_2 Cadherin-like 164.5 1.8e-45 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- Cadherin_2 1/1 46 129 .. 1 84 [] 164.5 1.8e-45 Cadherin 1/5 155 250 .. 1 107 [] 49.3 8.7e-11 Cadherin 2/5 264 358 .. 1 107 [] 80.7 3e-20 Cadherin 3/5 372 463 .. 1 107 [] 57.3 3.3e-13 Cadherin 4/5 477 573 .. 1 107 [] 60.7 3.1e-14 Cadherin 5/5 585 684 .. 1 107 [] 29.0 0.00011 Alignments of top-scoring domains: Cadherin_2: domain 1 of 1, from 46 to 129: score 164.5, E = 1.8e-45 *->gqirYSVpEEterGsfVGNlAKDLGLdvqeLaaRgaRivSggnkqyF gq++YSVpEE+++G+fVG +A+DLGL+++eL R +R++S+++ ++ mKIAA0345 46 GQLHYSVPEEAKHGTFVGRIAQDLGLELAELVPRLFRVASKDRGDLL 92 qlnletGdLlvnERiDREeLCgqsepCvLhlevllEn<-* ++nl++G L+vn RiDREeLCg+s+ C++hlev+++ mKIAA0345 93 EVNLQNGILFVNSRIDREELCGRSAECSIHLEVIVDR 129 Cadherin: domain 1 of 5, from 155 to 250: score 49.3, E = 8.7e-11 *->ysasvpEnapvGtevltvtAtDaDdPlgpNgrirYsilggnpggwFr + + E p G++ +A+DaD g+N+ ++Ys+ + + F+ mKIAA0345 155 KNLFIYESRPLGSRFSLEGASDAD--IGTNSLLSYSLNSSE---YFS 196 IdpdtGdnegi....isttkpLDREeifngeYeLtveAtDadpllasggg +d +e i++ ++ ++k L+RE i +e++L + A+D+ g mKIAA0345 197 LDV-KRKDEEIkslgLVLKKLLNREDI--PEHNLLITAVDG-------GK 236 pplsstatvtitVl<-* p l++t++v itVl mKIAA0345 237 PELTGTTQVKITVL 250 Cadherin: domain 2 of 5, from 264 to 358: score 80.7, E = 3e-20 *-> y +++pEnap+Gt v v A+D D +g N i+Ys+ ++ + + mKIAA0345 264 YKVRLPENAPNGTVVVDVDASDLD--EGVNKDIVYSFHQDMSleiLS 308 wFrIdpdtGdnegiisttkpLDREeifngeYeLtveAtDadpllasgggp +F++dp +G i+++ ++D Ee+ +e+ +eA D g+p mKIAA0345 309 KFHLDPISGY----ITVKGNIDFEET--KSFEIQIEAADK-------GTP 345 plsstatvtitVl<-* p+++ +tv +++ mKIAA0345 346 PMTDHCTVLVEIV 358 Cadherin: domain 3 of 5, from 372 to 463: score 57.3, E = 3.3e-13 *->ysasvpEnapvGtevltvtAtDaDdPlgpNgrirYsilggnpggwFr s v En+++ t ++ + ++D+D +g+Ng+++ s++++ p + + mKIAA0345 372 LSLPVLENSAPSTVIALISVSDRD--SGANGQVTCSLTPQVPFKLVS 416 IdpdtGdnegiisttkpLDREeifngeYeLtveAtDadpllasgggppls ++ + + + LDRE+i + Y+++v A+D+ g+ppl mKIAA0345 417 TFKNYYS----LVLDSVLDRETI--SNYNVVVTARDG-------GSPPLC 453 statvtitVl<-* +ta+v ++V mKIAA0345 454 TTASVSVEVA 463 Cadherin: domain 4 of 5, from 477 to 573: score 60.7, E = 3.1e-14 *->ysasvpEnapvGtevltvtAtDaDdPlgpNgrirYsilggnp..... y++ v+En p+G ++ tv A DaD N+ ++Ys+++ ++++ mKIAA0345 477 YTVFVKENNPPGAHIFTVSAMDAD--AQENALVSYSLVERRVgerll 521 ggwFrIdpdtGdnegiisttkpLDREeifngeYeLtveAtDadpllasgg + +++ ++G ++ +pLD Ee + + v+A+Da g mKIAA0345 522 SSYVSVHAESGK----VFALQPLDHEEL--ELLQFQVSARDA-------G 558 gpplsstatvtitVl<-* p+l s +t+ + Vl mKIAA0345 559 VPALGSNVTLQVFVL 573 Cadherin: domain 5 of 5, from 585 to 684: score 29.0, E = 0.00011 *->ysa..svpEnap....vGtevltvtAtDaDdPlgpNgrirYsilggn ++a++ v+E ++++ + G v+ v+A+DaD +g N+ ++Y + + mKIAA0345 585 PHAgsAVSELVSrtvgAGHVVTKVRAVDAD--SGYNAWLSYELQSAA 629 p..ggwFrIdpdtGdnegiisttkpLDREeif.ngeYeLtveAtDadpll +++ Fr+ +tG+ istt+ LD +++++ +L v+++D+ mKIAA0345 630 GsgRLPFRVGLYTGE----ISTTRVLDE---TdAPRQRLLVLVKDH---- 668 asgggpplsstatvtitVl<-* g+p l++tat+ +++ mKIAA0345 669 ---GEPVLTATATLLVSLV 684 //