hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/Pfam Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mng/mng09109/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mFLJ00193 ( 475 res) mng09109 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- EGF_2 EGF-like domain 52.6 8.7e-12 4 EGF EGF-like domain 17.0 0.41 4 Laminin_EGF Laminin EGF-like (Domains III and V) 1.6 0.1 3 Keratin_B2 Keratin, high sulfur B2 protein -66.5 0.17 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- EGF 1/4 15 45 .. 1 39 [] 8.4 2.8 EGF_2 1/4 19 45 .. 1 37 [] 25.3 0.0014 Laminin_EGF 1/3 19 58 .. 1 59 [] -1.6 0.21 EGF 2/4 58 88 .. 1 39 [] 6.3 4.5 EGF_2 2/4 61 88 .. 1 37 [] 15.5 0.4 Laminin_EGF 2/3 61 101 .. 1 59 [] 25.7 0.00039 EGF 3/4 101 131 .. 1 39 [] 18.6 0.15 EGF_2 3/4 105 131 .. 1 37 [] 20.0 0.057 Keratin_B2 1/1 7 135 .. 1 177 [] -66.5 0.17 Laminin_EGF 3/3 105 150 .. 1 59 [] -5.5 0.52 EGF 4/4 135 174 .. 1 39 [] 7.9 3.1 EGF_2 4/4 148 174 .. 1 37 [] 15.7 0.38 Alignments of top-scoring domains: EGF: domain 1 of 4, from 15 to 45: score 8.4, E = 2.8 *->CspnngpCsngGtCvdtpggytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* Cs + C+ngGtCv+ C C+pG + G+ C mFLJ00193 15 CSNTC-TCKNGGTCVSEN--GNCVCAPG-----FRGPSC 45 EGF_2: domain 1 of 4, from 19 to 45: score 25.3, E = 0.0014 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C + +GtCvs g+CvC +g + G+ C mFLJ00193 19 CtCKN-GGTCVSE------NGNCVCAPG----FRGPSC 45 Laminin_EGF: domain 1 of 3, from 19 to 58: score -1.6, E = 0.21 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrCdr.CkpG C+C + G tC s e G C+ C p++ G+ C r+C pG mFLJ00193 19 CTCKNGG-----TCVS-------ENGNCV-CAPGFRGPSCQRpCPPG 52 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* y + + C mFLJ00193 53 RY-----GKR--C 58 EGF: domain 2 of 4, from 58 to 88: score 6.3, E = 4.5 *->CspnngpCsng.GtCvdtpggytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* C + C+n++ C++++ tC C G +tG++C mFLJ00193 58 CVQC--KCNNNhSSCHPSD--GTCSCLAG-----WTGPDC 88 EGF_2: domain 2 of 4, from 61 to 88: score 15.5, E = 0.4 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+Cn+ h C+ g C+C g ++G+dC mFLJ00193 61 CkCNNNHSSCHPS------DGTCSCLAG----WTGPDC 88 Laminin_EGF: domain 2 of 3, from 61 to 101: score 25.7, E = 0.00039 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrC.drCkpG C Cn++ ++C++ + G C+ C+ + tG++C++ C pG mFLJ00193 61 CKCNNNH----SSCHP-------SDGTCS-CLAGWTGPDCsEACPPG 95 yyglpsgdpgqgC<-* ++gl C mFLJ00193 96 HWGL-------KC 101 EGF: domain 3 of 4, from 101 to 131: score 18.6, E = 0.15 *->CspnngpCsngGtCvdtpggytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC<-* Cs+ C++gGtC++ + +C+C+pG +tG++C mFLJ00193 101 CSQLC-QCHHGGTCHPQD--GSCICTPG-----WTGPNC 131 EGF_2: domain 3 of 4, from 105 to 131: score 20.0, E = 0.057 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C+ +GtC+ + g C C++g ++G+ C mFLJ00193 105 CqCHH-GGTCHPQ------DGSCICTPG----WTGPNC 131 Keratin_B2: domain 1 of 1, from 7 to 135: score -66.5, E = 0.17 *->qtScCGfptCStlgtrPsC..GsscCQPsCCe..SCCQpsCcqpSCC + G CS ++t C++G+ c + +++ C p ++pSC mFLJ00193 7 PEGFWGA-NCSNTCT---CknGGTCVSE---NgnCVCAPGFRGPSCQ 46 qPtcsqtscCqPtcfqssCCrPsCcqTSCCqPtCcqsssCqtgCgigGsi +P C P +C + C ssC ++ mFLJ00193 47 RP-------CPPGRYGKRCVQCKCNN---------NHSSCHPSD------ 74 GyGQeGsSGAvScrirWCRPdCrvegtClPpCCvvsCtaPTCCqpvsaQa G Sc W PdC + C P C + Cq ++ + mFLJ00193 75 --------GTCSCLAGWTGPDCSE--ACPPGHWGLKCSQL--CQCHHGGT 112 sCCRPsCqPyCgqsCCRPaCccsvtCtrTccePc<-* C P +C C P ++ c e c mFLJ00193 113 --CHPQ-DGSCI---CTPGWTGP-----NCLEGC 135 Laminin_EGF: domain 3 of 3, from 105 to 150: score -5.5, E = 0.52 *->CdCnphGslsddtCdsddelfgeetGqClkCkpnvtGrrC.drCkpG C+C++ G tC++ G C C p+ tG++C + C p mFLJ00193 105 CQCHHGG-----TCHP-------QDGSCI-CTPGWTGPNClEGCPPR 138 yyglpsg.dpgqgC<-* +g ++++ + +C mFLJ00193 139 MFG-VNCsQLC-QC 150 EGF: domain 4 of 4, from 135 to 174: score 7.9, E = 3.1 *->Cspnn..gpCsngGtCvdtpg......gytCeCppGdyfllytGkrC C+p +++Cs C++ g+ ++++ C CppG +G +C mFLJ00193 135 CPPRMfgVNCSQ--LCQCDLGemchpkTGACVCPPG-----HSGADC 174 <-* mFLJ00193 - - EGF_2: domain 4 of 4, from 148 to 174: score 15.7, E = 0.38 *->C.CngshGtCvspngtstpcgkCvCdsgyedkyqGadC<-* C+C + C+ +g CvC++g ++GadC mFLJ00193 148 CqCDL-GEMCHPK------TGACVCPPG----HSGADC 174 //