hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mfj/mfj45154/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mFLJ00154 ( 1340 res) mfj45154 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- FN3 Fibronectin type 3 domain 462.9 1.5e-134 11 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- FN3 1/11 1 86 [. 1 69 [] 19.6 0.45 FN3 2/11 101 183 .. 1 69 [] 50.6 2e-10 FN3 3/11 199 286 .. 1 69 [] 45.0 1e-08 FN3 4/11 303 390 .. 1 69 [] 49.9 3.4e-10 FN3 5/11 406 491 .. 1 69 [] 39.0 6.2e-07 FN3 6/11 507 590 .. 1 69 [] 46.7 3.1e-09 FN3 7/11 606 691 .. 1 69 [] 39.3 5.1e-07 FN3 8/11 707 815 .. 1 69 [] 51.2 1.3e-10 FN3 9/11 831 916 .. 1 69 [] 56.2 4.1e-12 FN3 10/11 931 1018 .. 1 69 [] 53.5 2.8e-11 FN3 11/11 1032 1116 .. 1 69 [] 50.0 3.1e-10 Alignments of top-scoring domains: FN3: domain 1 of 11, from 1 to 86: score 19.6, E = 0.45 *->PgpPsnptelrvtdvtststsdltsvtlsWepP........ivgYr. pP+n +++++v+st +v+ W+pP+ ++ gY+ mFLJ00154 1 --PPQN---VQAEAVNST------TVHFLWNPPpqqfingiNQGYKl 36 .........................ytltgLkPgaepwteYefrVrAvng ++ + ++++++++ ++ + +t+Lk t Y +V +++ mFLJ00154 37 lawpadapetvtvvtiapdfhgihhGYITNLKKF----TAYFTSVLCFTT 82 ndaGeg<-* G g mFLJ00154 83 --PGDG 86 FN3: domain 2 of 11, from 101 to 183: score 50.6, E = 2e-10 *->PgpPsnptelrvtdvtststsdltsvtlsWepP......ivgYr... Pg++++ l++t++ +t s+ +sW++P + ++ i gY+ ++ mFLJ00154 101 PGAVGH---LSFTEILDT------SLKVSWQEPlerngiIMGYQisw 138 ....................ytltgLkPgaepwteYefrVrAvngndaGe ++ ++++++ + + ++++ +y++ gL+ t+Y++ V+A ++ aG mFLJ00154 139 evygrndsrlthtlnsttheYKIQGLSSL----TTYTIDVAALTA--AGV 182 g<-* g mFLJ00154 183 G 183 FN3: domain 3 of 11, from 199 to 286: score 45.0, E = 1e-08 *->PgpPsnptelrvtdvtststsdltsvtlsWepP......ivgYr... Pg+Psn l++++++++ s+tl+ p ++++ i ++++++ mFLJ00154 199 PGAPSN---LVISNISPR------SATLQFRPGydgktaICRWIveg 236 .........................ytltgLkPgaepwteYefrVrAvng +++ ++++++++ +++++++ + +++L+P+ t Y+fr r vn mFLJ00154 237 qvgaigdeeewvtlyeeenepdaqmLEIPNLTPY----THYRFRMRQVNI 282 ndaGeg<-* +G++ mFLJ00154 283 --VGPS 286 FN3: domain 4 of 11, from 303 to 390: score 49.9, E = 3.4e-10 *->PgpPsnptelrvtdvtststsdltsvtlsWepP..........ivgY +P+ l+v+ ++t s++l+W p +++ ++++++ vgY mFLJ00154 303 DVAPTS---LTVRTASET------SLRLRWVPLpdsqyngnpeSVGY 340 r........................ytltgLkPgaepwteYefrVrAvng r++ ++++++++ ++++++ +++ t++ L+++ teYe r +A+n+ mFLJ00154 341 RvkywrsdqpssalaqvvsdrlereLTIEELEEW----TEYELRMQAFNA 386 ndaGeg<-* G g mFLJ00154 387 --IGAG 390 FN3: domain 5 of 11, from 406 to 491: score 39.0, E = 6.2e-07 *->PgpPsnptelrvtdvtststsdltsvtlsWepP........ivgYr. +P+n +++++v+st ++ l+W ++ + ++ i+gY++ mFLJ00154 406 SAAPEN---VSAEAVSST------QILLTWASVpeqdqnglILGYKv 443 .......................ytltgLkPgaepwteYefrVrAvngnd ++ ++++++ +++++ ++++ l gL+ Ye +V A+++ mFLJ00154 444 lycakdldpeprshvvrgnhtqsALLAGLRKF----VVYELQVLAFTR-- 487 aGeg<-* G g mFLJ00154 488 IGNG 491 FN3: domain 6 of 11, from 507 to 590: score 46.7, E = 3.1e-09 *->PgpPsnptelrvtdvtststsdltsvtlsWepP......ivgYr... PgpP + l++ +v t v++ W+pP+++++ i+gY+ mFLJ00154 507 PGPPVR---LVFPEVRLT------AVRIVWQPPeepngvILGYQiay 544 .....................ytltgLkPgaepwteYefrVrAvngndaG + ++++ + ++++++ +++++t t L P + Y fr++A+++ +G mFLJ00154 545 rlasgsphtfttvevgatvrqFTATELAPE----SAYIFRLSAKTR--QG 588 eg<-* +g mFLJ00154 589 WG 590 FN3: domain 7 of 11, from 606 to 691: score 39.3, E = 5.1e-07 *->PgpPsnptelrvtdvtststsdltsvtlsWepP.....ivgYr.... P pP+ ++++ vt++ s++l+W p +++ + ++Y ++++ mFLJ00154 606 PAPPRELLVPQAE-VTAR------SLRLQWVPGsdgasPIRYFtvqv 645 .....................ytltgLkPgaepwteYefrVrAvngndaG ++ +++++++ +++ + + + + ++ L+P t Y+ r++A n+ G mFLJ00154 646 relpggewqtysssisheataCAVERLRPF----TSYKLRLKATND--IG 689 eg<-* + mFLJ00154 690 DS 691 FN3: domain 8 of 11, from 707 to 815: score 51.2, E = 1.3e-10 *->PgpPsnptelrvtdvtststsdltsvtlsWepP............iv Pg P+++ +++t+ t++ sv ++W+pP +++ ++ ++++ mFLJ00154 707 PGEPPGS--VSATPHTTS------SVLIQWQPPrdeslngllqgyRI 745 gYr..........................................ytltg +Yr+ +++++ ++++++ ++++ + + + +++ ++++++++ ++y lt+ mFLJ00154 746 YYRelesetgmspepktlkspsalraeltaqssfktvnsssslttYELTH 795 LkPgaepwteYefrVrAvngndaGeg<-* Lk + +Ye+ +A+n Ge+ mFLJ00154 796 LKKY----RRYEVIMTAYNI--IGES 815 FN3: domain 9 of 11, from 831 to 916: score 56.2, E = 4.1e-12 *->PgpPsnptelrvtdvtststsdltsvtlsWepP............iv +P+n ++vt+ t++ +++++W+pP++++ +++ ++ v mFLJ00154 831 AMAPQN---VQVTPLTAS------QLEVTWDPPppesqngniqgyKV 868 gYr....................ytltgLkPgaepwteYefrVrAvngnd +Y++ ++++++++ ++ +++++++++L+ + t+Y ++++A+n+ mFLJ00154 869 YYWeadsrnetekmkvlflpepvVKIKDLTSH----TKYLISISAFNA-- 912 aGeg<-* aG g mFLJ00154 913 AGDG 916 FN3: domain 10 of 11, from 931 to 1018: score 53.5, E = 2.8e-11 *->PgpPsnptelrvtdvtststsdltsvtlsWepP......ivgYr... PgpPs l ++++tst ++++sW +P+ ++ gYr++ mFLJ00154 931 PGPPSF---LAFSEITST------TLNVSWGEPsaangiLQGYRvvy 968 ........................ytltgLkPgaepwteYefrVrAvngn ++ ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++L+ g +Y frV+A++ mFLJ00154 969 eplapvqgvskvvtvdvkgnwqrwLKVRDLTKG----VTYFFRVQARTI- 1013 daGeg<-* ++G+ mFLJ00154 1014 AYGPE 1018 [output cut off at A = 10 top alignments] //