hmmpfam - search a single seq against HMM database HMMER 2.1.1 (Dec 1998) Copyright (C) 1992-1998 Washington University School of Medicine HMMER is freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /data11/genetics/InterProScan/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs Sequence file: /cdna4/rodent/full/goal/mbh/mbh01290/w3open/interpro/cnk_1/ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query: mFLJ00137 ( 1396 res) mbh01290 Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- WD40 WD40 repeats 218.1 7.6e-61 11 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- WD40 1/11 34 75 .. 1 46 [] 13.2 4 WD40 2/11 79 150 .. 1 46 [] 42.9 4.4e-08 WD40 3/11 175 207 .. 1 46 [] 1.9 2.4e+02 WD40 4/11 211 260 .. 1 46 [] 13.6 3.5 WD40 5/11 263 303 .. 1 46 [] 21.9 0.087 WD40 6/11 310 350 .. 1 46 [] 24.5 0.015 WD40 7/11 355 406 .. 1 46 [] 3.2 1.6e+02 WD40 8/11 424 459 .. 1 46 [] 11.5 7.4 WD40 9/11 462 508 .. 1 46 [] 23.1 0.039 WD40 10/11 523 563 .. 1 46 [] 49.7 3.9e-10 WD40 11/11 566 606 .. 1 46 [] 29.7 0.00039 Alignments of top-scoring domains: WD40: domain 1 of 11, from 34 to 75: score 13.2, E = 4 *->t.kllrtlk.gHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.Dgtirl ++ rt ++ + +++ sp++ +nl+a g +Dg + + mFLJ00137 34 QdCSDRTHTpSEPR--TIFCLTCSPHH-----ENLVAIGYkDGIVVI 73 Wd<-* d mFLJ00137 74 ID 75 WD40: domain 2 of 11, from 79 to 150: score 42.9, E = 4.4e-08 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggss.................. ++++++ l+gH++ +++s+a++p +g++ + ++++++++++ +++ mFLJ00137 79 KgEVIHRLRGHDD--EIHSIAWCPLSGEDclsisqeenseepdipng 123 ........dspnllasgs.DgtirlWd<-* + +++ ++ +la+gs+D tir+W+ mFLJ00137 124 kliaetpiTKGCYLATGSkDQTIRIWS 150 WD40: domain 3 of 11, from 175 to 207: score 1.9, E = 2.4e+02 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW t k l+ + + + p++l+s++ g + lW mFLJ00137 175 TvKERLWLT----------LHWPKNQ-----PTQLVSSCfGGELLLW 206 d<-* d mFLJ00137 207 D 207 WD40: domain 4 of 11, from 211 to 260: score 13.6, E = 3.5 *->t.kllrtlk.......gHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs. +++ +tl +++ +++ H+ V ++ + d+++ll+s s mFLJ00137 211 SwRRKYTLFstsaeghNHSR--IVFNLCSLKTE---DGKQLLLSTSm 252 DgtirlWd<-* D+ +++Wd mFLJ00137 253 DRDVKCWD 260 WD40: domain 5 of 11, from 263 to 303: score 21.9, E = 0.087 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW t +++ tl+ g +s+afsp + la g +Dg ir+W mFLJ00137 263 TlECCWTLPSLGG--FAYSLAFSPVD-----VGSLAIGVgDGMIRVW 302 d<-* + mFLJ00137 303 N 303 WD40: domain 6 of 11, from 310 to 350: score 24.5, E = 0.015 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW + + ++g ++ Vt+++++p+ + +la g +Dg++ l+ mFLJ00137 310 NyDVKNFWQGVKS--KVTALCWHPNK-----EGCLAFGTdDGKVGLY 349 d<-* d mFLJ00137 350 D 350 WD40: domain 7 of 11, from 355 to 406: score 3.2, E = 1.6e+02 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggss.......dspnllasgs. ++ ++++ H++ V+ +a+ p + + +++++ ++ l+s+++ mFLJ00137 355 KpPQISSTY-HKK--TVYRLAWGPPVPPMslggegdRPSLTLYSCGg 398 DgtirlWd<-* g + + mFLJ00137 399 EGVVLQHN 406 WD40: domain 8 of 11, from 424 to 459: score 11.5, E = 7.4 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW t++ ++l+ Ht +++ dg ++la g +Dg+i ++ mFLJ00137 424 TnSIRYKLPVHTE------ISWKGDG------KVLALGNeDGSIEIF 458 d<-* mFLJ00137 459 Q 459 WD40: domain 9 of 11, from 462 to 508: score 23.1, E = 0.039 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggss.dspnllasgs.Dgtirl + +ll+t++ H + V+++ +++ +gs++ + llasgs++ i++ mFLJ00137 462 NlRLLCTIQQHHK--LVNAIVWHHEHGSRpELSCLLASGSnNAVIYV 506 Wd<-* + mFLJ00137 507 HN 508 WD40: domain 10 of 11, from 523 to 563: score 49.7, E = 3.9e-10 *->t.kllrtlkgHtgespVtsvafspdggssdspnllasgs.DgtirlW +++ rtl+gHt+ +ts+a+sp++ + +l+s++ Dgt +W mFLJ00137 523 ItEPYRTLSGHTA--KITSLAWSPHH-----DGRLVSACyDGTAQVW 562 d<-* d mFLJ00137 563 D 563 [output cut off at A = 10 top alignments] //