Miyakogusa Predicted Gene

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Genome Sequence: CM0102
Results of Blast2 searches (The best-hits are tabulated.):
database Accession Score Iden
TrEMBL A5AMA5_VITVI 210 40.8 50.4 (tr|A5AMA5) Putative uncharacterized protein OS=Vitis vinifera GN=VITISV_043723 PE=4 SV=1
TAIR_pep AT1G20760.1 69.7 30.7 40.8 | Symbols: | calcium-binding EF hand family protein | chr1:7209505-7214763 FORWARD
Medicago IMGA|CR931808_46.5 404 63.5 69.3 EPS15 homology (EH); Protein kinase PKN/PRK1, effector; Thioredoxin-like fold chr05_pseudomolecule_IMGAG_V2 36674198-36684779 E EGN_Mt071002 20080227
Soybean Glyma14g00360.1 443 68.7 76.7  
Lotus Consensus KMC001231A_C01 375 98.5 98.5 KMC001231A_c01
3' Unigene KMC001231A_C01 1047 98.7 98.7 KMC001231A_c01
A list of protein families, domains and functional sites (searches in InterPro)
chr2.CM0102.210.nd length: 338 aa.
method AccNumber shortName E-value location
HMMPanther PTHR11216 EH 6.7e-14 1-265
HMMPanther PTHR11216:SF12 INTERSECTIN-RELATED 6.7e-14 1-265
Seg seg seg NA 7-23
TargetP V1.0 Prediction Results
Name Length cTP mTP SP other Loc. RC
chr2.CM0102.210.nd 338 0.109 0.103 0.047 0.928 _ 1
chr2.CM0102.210.nd	nucl 14
PTS1 (Peroxisome targeting signal type 1)
entry_id prediction score sppta spptna fp profile
chr2.CM0102.210.nd Not targeted -46.621 0 -4.460 67.93% -42.161