Miyakogusa Predicted Gene

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Genome Sequence: LjT38A19
Results of Blast2 searches (The best-hits are tabulated.):
database Accession Score Iden
TrEMBL A7QLI9_VITVI 223 44.5 59.3 (tr|A7QLI9) Chromosome undetermined scaffold_119, whole genome shotgun sequence OS=Vitis vinifera GN=GSVIVT00001636001 PE=4 SV=1
TAIR_pep AT5G05800.2 108 27.0 43.7 | Symbols: | similar to unknown protein [Arabidopsis thaliana] (TAIR:AT3G11290.1); similar to unnamed protein product [Vitis vinifera] (GB:CAO69032.1) | chr5:1743235-1744752 REVERSE
Medicago IMGA|AC130798_44.4 300 53.4 67.2 hypothetical protein chr04_pseudomolecule_IMGAG_V2 29765854-29768367 H EGN_Mt071002 20080227
Soybean Glyma11g34860.1 84.3 23.8 39.9  
A list of protein families, domains and functional sites (searches in InterPro)
chr1.LjT38A19.40.nc length: 294 aa.
method AccNumber shortName E-value location
Coil coil coiled-coil NA 61-82
Seg seg seg NA 171-178
TargetP V1.0 Prediction Results
Name Length cTP mTP SP other Loc. RC
chr1.LjT38A19.40.nc 294 0.069 0.037 0.305 0.752 _ 3
chr1.LjT38A19.40.nc	cyto 9.5, cyto_E.R. 5.5, nucl 3
PTS1 (Peroxisome targeting signal type 1)
entry_id prediction score sppta spptna fp profile
chr1.LjT38A19.40.nc Targeted 0.590 -0.408 -10.197 0.55% 11.196