Miyakogusa Predicted Gene
- Lj0g3v0346719.1
- Related links:
- Predicted Sequence Links:
- Genome Sequence: Lj3.0_chr0
- Results of Blast2 searches (The best-hits are tabulated.):
- A list of protein families, domains and functional sites (searches in InterPro)
Lj0g3v0346719.1 |
length: 194 aa. |
IPR025724 |
GAG-pre-integrase domain |
method |
AccNumber |
shortName |
E-value |
location |
HMMPfam |
PF13976 |
gag_pre-integrs |
9e-07 |
107-152 |
no_ID |
HMMPanther |
PTHR11439 |
6.9e-21 |
19-190 |
HMMPanther |
6.9e-21 |
19-190 |
- Wolf-PSORT
Lj0g3v0346719.1 cyto 6, chlo 3, nucl 3, cyto_pero 3, cyto_E.R. 3, cyto_plas 3
- PTS1 (Peroxisome targeting signal type 1)
entry_id |
prediction |
score |
sppta |
spptna |
fp |
profile |
Lj0g3v0346719.1 |