Miyakogusa Predicted Gene

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Genome Sequence: Lj3.0_chr0
Results of Blast2 searches (The best-hits are tabulated.):
database Accession Score Iden
TrEMBL B9T2S4_RICCO 500 89.9 94.4 (tr|B9T2S4) Protein binding protein, putative OS=Ricinus communis GN=RCOM_0437630 PE=4 SV=1
TAIR_pep AT5G52340.1 484 85.8 93.3 | Symbols: ATEXO70A2, EXO70A2 | exocyst subunit exo70 family protein A2 | chr5:21250802-21253939 FORWARD LENGTH=631
Medicago Medtr1g057560.1 495 88.8 92.5 | exocyst subunit exo70 family protein | HC | chr1:25290992-25284171 | 20130731
Soybean Glyma13g05040.1 501 90.3 93.6  
LJGI gnl|LJGI|FS337569 202 100.0 100.0 similar to UniRef100_UPI0001505864 Cluster: ATEXO70A2 (exocyst subunit EXO70 family protein A2); protein binding; n=1; Arabidopsis thaliana|Rep: ATEXO70A2 (exocyst subunit EXO70 family protein A2); protein binding - Arabidopsis thaliana, partial (36%)
A list of protein families, domains and functional sites (searches in InterPro)
Lj0g3v0294369.1 length: 276 aa.
IPR004140 Exocyst complex protein Exo70
method AccNumber shortName E-value location
Cellular Component GO:0000145 exocyst    
Biological Process GO:0006887 exocytosis    
HMMPanther PTHR12542 EXOCYST 5.3e-123 1-267
HMMPfam PF03081 Exo70 7.6e-64 52-270
IPR016159 Cullin repeat-like-containing domain
superfamily SSF74788 Cullin 2.5e-79 1-267
HMMPanther PTHR12542:SF7 EXOCYST 5.3e-123 1-267
Lj0g3v0294369.1	chlo 9, mito 3, cyto 1, plas 1, cyto_plas 1
PTS1 (Peroxisome targeting signal type 1)
entry_id prediction score sppta spptna fp profile