Miyakogusa Predicted Gene

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Genome Sequence: Lj3.0_chr0
Results of Blast2 searches (The best-hits are tabulated.):
database Accession Score Iden
TrEMBL A5C966_VITVI 338 71.4 78.2 (tr|A5C966) Putative uncharacterized protein OS=Vitis vinifera GN=VITISV_035498 PE=2 SV=1
TAIR_pep AT2G01060.1 268 62.4 69.8 | Symbols: | myb-like HTH transcriptional regulator family protein | chr2:73456-74902 REVERSE LENGTH=286
Medicago Medtr2g027860.1 299 71.1 75.0 | myb-like transcription factor family protein | HC | chr2:10218231-10226352 | 20130731
Soybean Glyma09g02040.2 328 73.0 78.1  
LJGI gnl|LJGI|TC80786 1461 99.9 99.9 similar to UniRef100_Q3LHL3 Cluster: MYB-CC type transfactor; n=1; Solanum tuberosum|Rep: MYB-CC type transfactor - Solanum tuberosum (Potato), partial (59%)
A list of protein families, domains and functional sites (searches in InterPro)
Lj0g3v0251039.1 length: 245 aa.
IPR001005 SANT/Myb domain
method AccNumber shortName E-value location
Molecular Function GO:0003682 chromatin binding    
HMMPfam PF00249 Myb_DNA-binding 4e-16 17-68
IPR006447 Myb domain, plants
HMMTigr TIGR01557 myb_SHAQKYF: 2e-25 15-70
IPR009057 Homeodomain-like
Molecular Function GO:0003677 DNA binding    
Gene3D G3DSA: no description 3.2e-31 14-70
superfamily SSF46689 Homeodomain-like 1.8e-16 11-70
IPR017930 Myb domain
ProfileScan PS51294 HTH_MYB 12.073 12-72
IPR025756 MYB-CC type transcription factor, LHEQLE-containing domain
HMMPfam PF14379 Myb_CC_LHEQLE 3e-23 100-148
Coil coil coiled-coil NA 104-125
HMMPanther PTHR31314 FAMILY 3.6e-111 5-241
Seg seg seg NA 116-132
Lj0g3v0251039.1	nucl 10, cyto 2, chlo 1, extr 1, cyto_pero 1, cyto_E.R. 1, cyto_plas 1
PTS1 (Peroxisome targeting signal type 1)
entry_id prediction score sppta spptna fp profile