BLASTX alignment cluster 10    (26445..28611)

Local alignments in this cluster

gi|3047068[fasta] (AF058825) similar to maize transposon MuDR (GB:M76978) [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 806 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

75900..76004 (677..711) + 94
75585..75773 (595..657) + 136
75336..75455 (515..554) + 94
74863..75300 (366..511) + 245
28718..28611 (1..36) - 124
28622..28512 (37..73) - 131
28515..28384 (73..116) - 169
28208..28101 (1..36) - 129
28112..28002 (37..73) - 139
28005..27874 (73..116) - 161
27698..27591 (1..36) - 135
27602..27492 (37..73) - 139
27495..27340 (73..124) - 199
27324..27247 (131..156) - 108
27082..26900 (321..381) - 229
26677..26600 (381..406) - 62
26591..26439 (418..468) - 204
26445..25882 (467..654) - 780

