BLASTX alignment cluster 9    (45709..59666)

Local alignments in this cluster

gi|4115362[fasta] (AC005957) hypothetical protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 672 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

59710..59666 (52..66) - 111
59666..59592 (67..91) - 88
59592..59452 (92..138) - 149
59450..59097 (142..259) - 364
59107..58814 (257..354) - 311
56474..56400 (42..66) - 50
56400..56185 (67..138) - 235
56183..55830 (142..259) - 343
55840..55784 (257..275) - 50
55781..55548 (277..354) - 259
53193..53149 (52..66) - 48
53149..52934 (67..138) - 243
52932..52579 (142..259) - 354
52589..52533 (257..275) - 50
52530..52297 (277..354) - 263
49942..49898 (52..66) - 48
49898..49683 (67..138) - 232
49681..49328 (142..259) - 342
49338..49045 (257..354) - 311
46631..46416 (67..138) - 240
46414..46061 (142..259) - 366
46071..45778 (257..354) - 308

gi|4038056[fasta] (AC005897) putative transposon [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 889 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

59719..59663 (116..134) - 68
59660..59592 (136..158) - 62
59601..59452 (156..205) - 88
59450..59097 (209..326) - 302
59092..58748 (329..443) - 284
56453..56397 (116..134) - 41
56394..56185 (136..205) - 141
56183..55830 (209..326) - 284
55825..55784 (329..342) - 36
55781..55509 (344..434) - 256
53202..53146 (116..134) - 41
53143..52934 (136..205) - 147
52932..52579 (209..326) - 299
52574..52533 (329..342) - 36
52530..52258 (344..434) - 253
49951..49895 (116..134) - 41
49892..49683 (136..205) - 136
49681..49328 (209..326) - 287
49323..49006 (329..434) - 272
46625..46416 (136..205) - 143
46414..46061 (209..326) - 307
46056..45733 (329..436) - 284

gi|4115354[fasta] (AC005957) putative En/Spm transposon protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 665 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

59666..59592 (27..51) - 41
59601..59452 (49..98) - 88
59450..59097 (102..219) - 281
59092..58775 (222..327) - 269
56400..56185 (27..98) - 143
56183..55830 (102..219) - 263
55825..55784 (222..235) - 36
55781..55509 (237..327) - 234
53149..52934 (27..98) - 146
52932..52579 (102..219) - 278
52574..52533 (222..235) - 36
52530..52258 (237..327) - 238
49898..49683 (27..98) - 135
49681..49328 (102..219) - 266
49323..49006 (222..327) - 258
46631..46416 (27..98) - 145
46414..46061 (102..219) - 286
46056..45709 (222..337) - 273

gi|3650039[fasta] (AC005396) putative En/Spm transposon protein, 5' partial [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 661 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

59601..59452 (29..78) - 88
59450..59097 (82..199) - 281
59092..58775 (202..307) - 269
56400..56185 (7..78) - 143
56183..55830 (82..199) - 263
55825..55784 (202..215) - 36
55781..55509 (217..307) - 234
53149..52934 (7..78) - 146
52932..52579 (82..199) - 278
52574..52533 (202..215) - 36
52530..52258 (217..307) - 238
49898..49683 (7..78) - 135
49681..49328 (82..199) - 266
49323..49006 (202..307) - 258
46631..46416 (7..78) - 145
46414..46061 (82..199) - 286
59666..45709 (7..317) - 273
59666..45709 (7..317) - 273

gi|99922|pir||S04324[fasta] hypothetical protein - soybean
gi|930025|emb|CAA31883| (X13528) ORF (334 AA) [Glycine max]
Length 334 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

59589..59452 (2..47) - 87
59450..59376 (51..75) - 82
59351..59106 (89..170) - 141
59074..58772 (182..282) - 209
56322..56185 (2..47) - 88
56183..56109 (51..75) - 80
56084..55839 (89..170) - 134
55781..55506 (191..282) - 190
53071..52934 (2..47) - 94
52932..52858 (51..75) - 86
52833..52588 (89..170) - 134
52530..52255 (191..282) - 187
49820..49683 (2..47) - 85
49681..49607 (51..75) - 75
49582..49337 (89..170) - 135
49305..49033 (182..272) - 200
46553..46416 (2..47) - 93
46414..46340 (51..75) - 86
46315..46070 (89..170) - 145
46038..45733 (182..283) - 211

