BLASTX alignment cluster 21    (125625..129629)

Local alignments in this cluster

gi|3335340[fasta] (AC004512) Strong similarity to xylglucan endo-transglycolsylase (TCH4) gene gb|U27609, first exon contains strong similarity to meri 5 gene gb|Z17989 from A. thaliana. EST gb|N37583 comes from this gene. [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 282 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125631..125900 (8..97) + 805
125979..126173 (95..159) + 367
126265..126633 (160..282) + 617
128592..128876 (1..95) + 324
128971..129165 (95..159) + 369
129264..129629 (161..282) + 636

gi|886116[fasta] (U27609) TCH4 protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
gi|2952473 (AF051338) xyloglucan endotransglycosylase related protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 284 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125631..125750 (2..41) + 612
125799..125900 (57..90) + 126
125979..126173 (88..152) + 327
126265..126507 (153..233) + 306
126508..126630 (241..281) + 155
128667..128702 (20..31) + 35
128781..128876 (57..88) + 125
128971..129165 (88..152) + 323
129264..129491 (154..229) + 318
129471..129626 (230..281) + 157

gi|3901012|emb|CAA10231.1|[fasta] (AJ130885) xyloglucan endotransglycosylase 1 [Fagus sylvatica]
Length 292 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125643..125750 (11..46) + 177
125799..125900 (62..95) + 124
125979..126173 (93..157) + 302
126265..126507 (158..238) + 320
126457..126633 (230..288) + 160
128625..128702 (11..36) + 48
128781..128879 (62..94) + 123
128971..129165 (93..157) + 300
129264..129500 (159..237) + 329
129453..129629 (230..288) + 160

gi|2129771|pir||S71225[fasta] xyloglucan endotransglycosylase-related protein XTR-6 - Arabidopsis thaliana
gi|1244758 (U43488) xyloglucan endotransglycosylase-related protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
gi|4539299|emb|CAB39602.1| (AL049480) xyloglucan endo-1, 4-beta-D-glucanase (XTR-6) [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 286 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125625..125750 (3..44) + 418
125799..125900 (60..93) + 113
125979..126173 (91..155) + 311
126265..126495 (156..232) + 305
126496..126630 (239..283) + 159
128613..128702 (5..34) + 45
128781..128876 (60..91) + 112
128971..129165 (91..155) + 310
129264..129491 (157..232) + 303
129492..129626 (239..283) + 159

gi|2129769|pir||S61555[fasta] xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase precursor - Arabidopsis thaliana
gi|944810|dbj|BAA09783| (D63508) endo-xyloglucan transferase [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 269 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125625..125750 (1..42) + 201
125799..125900 (58..91) + 128
125979..126173 (89..153) + 326
126268..126459 (155..218) + 239
126499..126633 (222..266) + 169
128781..128876 (58..89) + 127
128971..129165 (89..153) + 323
129264..129455 (155..218) + 249
129465..129629 (212..266) + 175

gi|2129773|pir||S71222[fasta] xyloglucan endotransglycosylase-related protein XTR3 - Arabidopsis thaliana (fragment)
gi|1244752 (U43485) xyloglucan endotransglycosylase-related protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 277 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125679..125750 (18..41) + 175
125799..125900 (57..90) + 120
125979..126173 (88..152) + 301
126265..126504 (153..232) + 286
126505..126630 (234..275) + 153
128661..128702 (18..31) + 36
128781..128876 (57..88) + 119
128971..129186 (88..159) + 300
129267..129500 (155..232) + 297
129504..129626 (235..275) + 146

gi|1890577|emb|CAA63663|[fasta] (X93175) xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET) [Hordeum vulgare]
Length 286 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125685..125747 (20..40) + 123
125799..125900 (57..90) + 133
125979..126173 (88..152) + 262
126265..126504 (153..232) + 275
126508..126630 (243..283) + 132
128781..128879 (57..89) + 132
128971..129165 (88..152) + 259
129267..129500 (155..232) + 273
129459..129626 (228..283) + 140

gi|1890575|emb|CAA63662|[fasta] (X93174) xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET) [Hordeum vulgare]
Length 292 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125670..125750 (15..41) + 178
125799..125900 (57..90) + 126
125979..126197 (88..160) + 266
126265..126480 (153..224) + 232
126478..126633 (240..291) + 151
128781..128879 (57..89) + 125
128971..129165 (88..152) + 262
129267..129476 (155..224) + 227
129468..129629 (238..291) + 150

gi|563235[fasta] (U15964) xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase homolog; similar to Triticum aestivum endo-xyloglucan transferase, PIR Accession Number E49539 [Zea mays]
gi|563927 (U15781) xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase homolog [Zea mays]
gi|1097378|prf||2113418A xyloglucan endotransglycosylase homolog [Zea mays]
Length 280 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125625..125750 (1..42) + 325
125799..125900 (58..91) + 120
125979..126173 (89..153) + 248
126265..126633 (154..276) + 401
128670..128702 (22..32) + 39
128781..128921 (58..104) + 123
128971..129165 (89..153) + 244
129267..129629 (156..276) + 392

gi|4185146[fasta] (AC005724) putative xyloglucan endotransglycosylase [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 305 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125649..125750 (13..46) + 121
125799..125900 (62..95) + 133
125979..126173 (93..157) + 285
126265..126459 (158..222) + 226
126523..126633 (261..297) + 119
128631..128702 (13..36) + 37
128781..128876 (62..93) + 132
128971..129165 (93..157) + 279
129267..129455 (160..222) + 231
129468..129629 (244..297) + 124

gi|2129936|pir||S57770[fasta] xyloglycan endo-transglycosylase precursor (clone tXET-B2) - tomato
gi|577068|emb|CAA58002| (X82684) xyloglycan endo-transglycosylase [Lycopersicon esculentum]
Length 287 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125679..125747 (16..38) + 160
125799..125900 (55..88) + 130
125979..126197 (86..158) + 262
126265..126471 (151..219) + 247
126508..126630 (242..282) + 144
128781..128879 (55..87) + 129
128971..129186 (86..157) + 259
129267..129503 (153..231) + 254
129495..129626 (239..282) + 138

gi|1076604|pir||S49812[fasta] xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase - tomato
gi|1362104|pir||S57769 xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase precursor (clone tXET-B1) - tomato
gi|577066|emb|CAA58003| (X82685) xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase [Lycopersicon esculentum]
Length 289 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125679..125747 (18..40) + 124
125799..125900 (57..90) + 130
125979..126197 (88..160) + 262
126265..126471 (153..221) + 249
126508..126630 (244..284) + 144
128781..128879 (57..89) + 129
128971..129186 (88..159) + 259
129267..129503 (155..233) + 257
129495..129626 (241..284) + 132

gi|2129772|pir||S71226[fasta] xyloglucan endotransglycosylase-related protein XTR-7 - Arabidopsis thaliana
gi|1244760 (U43489) xyloglucan endotransglycosylase-related protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 289 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125676..125741 (22..43) + 72
125799..125900 (62..95) + 112
125979..126197 (93..165) + 266
126265..126480 (158..229) + 272
126520..126630 (248..284) + 134
128781..128879 (62..94) + 111
128971..129165 (93..157) + 261
129267..129476 (160..229) + 269
129477..129626 (235..284) + 121

gi|2244769|emb|CAB10192|[fasta] (Z97335) xyloglucan endotransglycosylase-related protein XTR-7 [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 289 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125676..125741 (22..43) + 206
125799..125900 (62..95) + 108
125979..126197 (93..165) + 266
126265..126480 (158..229) + 272
126520..126630 (248..284) + 134
128781..128879 (62..94) + 107
128971..129165 (93..157) + 261
129267..129476 (160..229) + 269
129477..129626 (235..284) + 121

gi|347459 (L22162) brassinosteroid-regulated protein [Glycine max]
Length 283 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125634..125741 (12..47) + 138
125799..125900 (66..99) + 112
125979..126173 (97..161) + 266
126265..126450 (162..223) + 259
126451..126630 (222..281) + 131
128616..128702 (12..40) + 41
128781..128879 (66..98) + 111
128971..129165 (97..161) + 266
129267..129446 (164..223) + 257
129447..129626 (222..281) + 123

gi|4218963[fasta] (AF093672) xyloglucan endotransglycosylase [Arabidopsis thaliana]
gi|4539300|emb|CAB39603.1| (AL049480) putative xyloglucan endo-1, 4-beta-D-glucanase [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 287 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125673..125750 (23..48) + 114
125799..125900 (64..97) + 115
125979..126197 (95..167) + 279
126265..126453 (160..222) + 230
126493..126630 (240..285) + 117
128781..128879 (64..96) + 114
128971..129186 (95..166) + 276
129267..129449 (162..222) + 231
129489..129626 (240..285) + 116

gi|576937|emb|CAA58001|[fasta] (X82683) Meri-5 [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 166 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

126024..126173 (1..50) + 129
126268..126459 (52..115) + 239
126499..126633 (119..163) + 169
129016..129165 (1..50) + 250
129264..129455 (52..115) + 249
129465..129629 (109..163) + 175

gi|469508|dbj|BAA03922|[fasta] (D16455) endo-xyloglucan transferase [Glycine max]
Length 295 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (67..100) + 146
125979..126173 (98..162) + 209
126265..126465 (163..229) + 242
126523..126630 (254..289) + 107
128781..128879 (67..99) + 98
128971..129165 (98..162) + 209
129267..129461 (165..229) + 251
129513..129626 (252..289) + 95

gi|541939|pir||B49539[fasta] endoxyloglucan transferase - soybean
Length 292 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..129626 (64..286) + 95
125799..129626 (64..286) + 95
125979..126173 (95..159) + 209
126265..126465 (160..226) + 242
126523..126630 (251..286) + 107
128781..128879 (64..96) + 98
128971..129165 (95..159) + 209
129267..129461 (162..226) + 251

gi|1498168|dbj|BAA13163|[fasta] (D86730) endoxyloglucan transferase related protein [Nicotiana tabacum]
Length 295 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (66..99) + 113
125979..126173 (97..161) + 209
126271..126507 (164..242) + 247
126517..126609 (253..283) + 92
128781..128879 (66..98) + 92
128971..129165 (97..161) + 209
129267..129461 (164..228) + 259
129513..129605 (253..283) + 89

gi|3986172|dbj|BAA34946.1|[fasta] (AB015428) EXGT1 [Pisum sativum]
Length 293 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (66..99) + 87
125979..126173 (97..161) + 208
126265..126465 (162..228) + 243
126523..126621 (253..285) + 86
128781..128879 (66..98) + 99
128971..129165 (97..161) + 208
129267..129524 (164..249) + 254
129513..129617 (251..285) + 89

gi|3452719|dbj|BAA32518|[fasta] (AB017025) endo-xyloglucan transferase (EXGT) [Nicotiana tabacum]
Length 295 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..129605 (66..283) + 89
125799..129605 (66..283) + 89
125979..126173 (97..161) + 209
126271..126507 (164..242) + 247
126517..126609 (253..283) + 92
128781..128879 (66..98) + 89
128971..129165 (97..161) + 209
129267..129461 (164..228) + 259

gi|1890573|emb|CAA63661|[fasta] (X93173) xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET) [Hordeum vulgare]
Length 284 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (63..96) + 89
125991..126173 (99..159) + 227
126265..126324 (160..179) + 38
126319..126504 (176..237) + 187
126508..126633 (240..281) + 110
128781..128879 (63..95) + 110
128947..129165 (87..159) + 228
129267..129320 (162..179) + 43
129315..129500 (176..237) + 188
129495..129629 (237..281) + 113

gi|4218113|emb|CAA22967.1|[fasta] (AL035353) xyloglucan endotransglycosylase-like protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 292 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125619..125723 (4..38) + 62
125802..125900 (62..94) + 90
125979..126173 (92..156) + 237
126271..126489 (159..231) + 217
126520..126633 (251..288) + 93
128784..128879 (62..93) + 89
128971..129165 (92..156) + 236
129267..129482 (159..230) + 214
129516..129629 (251..288) + 88

gi|542028|pir||D49539[fasta] endoxyloglucan transferase - tomato
gi|469509|dbj|BAA03923| (D16456) endo-xyloglucan transferase [Lycopersicon esculentum]
Length 296 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (67..100) + 67
125979..126173 (98..162) + 203
126271..126507 (165..243) + 239
126517..126609 (254..284) + 90
128781..128879 (67..99) + 92
128971..129165 (98..162) + 203
129267..129461 (165..229) + 251
129513..129605 (254..284) + 90

gi|2827712|emb|CAA16685|[fasta] (AL021684) endoxyloglucan tranferase-like protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 269 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (46..79) + 66
125994..126173 (83..142) + 200
126265..126465 (143..209) + 257
126517..126609 (231..261) + 73
128781..128879 (46..78) + 101
128986..129165 (83..142) + 203
129267..129461 (145..209) + 253
129513..129605 (231..261) + 71

gi|950299[fasta] (L46792) xyloglucan endotransglycosylase precursor [Actinidia deliciosa]
Length 293 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (66..99) + 80
125979..126158 (97..156) + 210
126265..126465 (162..228) + 249
126523..126621 (253..285) + 87
128971..129150 (97..156) + 210
129267..129461 (164..228) + 258
129513..129617 (251..285) + 87

gi|1008904[fasta] (L43094) xyloglucan endotransglycosylase [Tropaeolum majus]
Length 293 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (66..99) + 89
125979..126173 (97..161) + 212
126265..126465 (162..228) + 248
126517..126609 (251..281) + 76
128971..129165 (97..161) + 212
129267..129461 (164..228) + 257
129513..129605 (251..281) + 81

gi|3810598[fasta] (AC005398) putative endo-xyloglucan transferase [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 299 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125649..125720 (22..45) + 263
125799..125900 (71..104) + 86
126003..126197 (110..174) + 211
126265..126504 (167..246) + 229
126550..126633 (268..295) + 71
128631..128702 (22..45) + 45
128781..128888 (71..106) + 86
128995..129186 (110..173) + 208
129267..129503 (169..247) + 219
129546..129629 (268..295) + 70

gi|5139002|dbj|BAA81669.1|[fasta] (AB026486) endoxyloglucan transferase [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 293 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (66..99) + 80
125979..126173 (97..161) + 204
126265..126465 (162..228) + 242
126517..126609 (251..281) + 97
128971..129165 (97..161) + 204
129267..129461 (164..228) + 253
129513..129605 (251..281) + 96

gi|3043422|emb|CAA06217|[fasta] (AJ004917) endoxyloglucan transferase [Cicer arietinum]
Length 295 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (68..101) + 90
125979..126173 (99..163) + 209
126265..126465 (164..230) + 244
126523..126621 (255..287) + 83
128971..129165 (99..163) + 209
129267..129461 (166..230) + 253
129513..129617 (253..287) + 80

gi|542005|pir||A49539[fasta] endoxyloglucan transferase - adzuki bean
gi|469510|dbj|BAA03925| (D16458) endo-xyloglucan transferase [Vigna angularis]
Length 292 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (65..98) + 83
125979..126173 (96..160) + 210
126265..126465 (161..227) + 239
126523..126621 (252..284) + 78
128971..129165 (96..160) + 211
129267..129461 (163..227) + 248
129513..129617 (250..284) + 75

gi|541858|pir||C49539[fasta] endoxyloglucan transferase - Arabidopsis thaliana
gi|469484|dbj|BAA03921| (D16454) endo-xyloglucan transferase [Arabidopsis thaliana]
gi|4063757 (AC005561) endo-xyloglucan transferase [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 296 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (69..102) + 66
125979..126173 (100..164) + 196
126265..126465 (165..231) + 242
126523..126609 (256..284) + 84
128971..129165 (100..164) + 196
129267..129461 (167..231) + 245
129513..129605 (254..284) + 84

gi|2244732|dbj|BAA21107|[fasta] (D88413) endo-xyloglucan transferase [Gossypium hirsutum]
Length 279 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125903 (54..88) + 88
126003..126173 (94..150) + 215
126265..126465 (151..217) + 249
126517..126609 (239..269) + 69
128781..128885 (54..88) + 104
128995..129165 (94..150) + 212
129267..129461 (153..217) + 242
129513..129605 (239..269) + 67

gi|5070246|gb|AAD39086.1|AF093507_1[fasta] (AF093507) xyloglucan endo-transglycosylase-like protein [Medicago truncatula]
Length 276 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (51..84) + 356
126003..126173 (91..147) + 215
126265..126465 (148..214) + 241
126517..126609 (236..266) + 66
128781..128879 (51..83) + 99
128995..129165 (91..147) + 212
129267..129461 (150..214) + 237
129513..129605 (236..266) + 65

gi|4490725|emb|CAB38928.1|[fasta] (AL035709) endo-xyloglucan transferase-like protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 293 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125643..125726 (17..44) + 96
125799..125900 (68..101) + 103
126003..126173 (108..164) + 210
126265..126465 (165..231) + 242
126472..126507 (233..244) + 36
126556..126609 (266..283) + 68
128781..128879 (68..100) + 102
128995..129165 (108..164) + 209
129267..129461 (167..231) + 235
129474..129500 (235..243) + 36
129552..129605 (266..283) + 66

gi|1885310|emb|CAA62847|[fasta] (X91659) Endoxyloglucan transferase (EXT) [Hordeum vulgare]
Length 294 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (67..100) + 328
125979..126158 (98..157) + 206
126262..126465 (162..229) + 240
126517..126606 (252..281) + 70
128971..129150 (98..157) + 206
129267..129461 (165..229) + 248
129513..129602 (252..281) + 69

gi|1885312|emb|CAA62848|[fasta] (X91660) similar to Xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET) [Hordeum vulgare]
Length 289 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (67..100) + 97
125997..126173 (105..163) + 226
126265..126324 (164..183) + 45
126316..126468 (179..229) + 143
126475..126630 (235..286) + 91
128947..129165 (91..163) + 225
129267..129320 (166..183) + 50
129312..129464 (179..229) + 142
129471..129626 (235..286) + 90

gi|2970641[fasta] (AF052194) xyloglucan endotransglycosylase precursor [Actinidia deliciosa]
Length 263 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (59..92) + 178
125979..126173 (90..154) + 211
126265..126465 (155..221) + 247
126523..126576 (246..263) + 37
128971..129165 (90..154) + 211
129267..129461 (157..221) + 256
129513..129572 (244..263) + 38

gi|542175|pir||E49539[fasta] endoxyloglucan transferase - wheat
gi|469511|dbj|BAA03924| (D16457) endo-xyloglucan transferase [Triticum aestivum]
Length 293 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (66..99) + 347
125979..126158 (97..156) + 206
126262..126465 (161..228) + 240
126517..126621 (251..285) + 67
128971..129150 (97..156) + 206
129267..129461 (164..228) + 248
129513..129617 (251..285) + 66

gi|126985|sp|P24806|MER5_ARATH[fasta] MERI-5 PROTEIN
gi|166778 (M63166) meri-5 [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 247 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125625..125750 (1..42) + 314
125799..125900 (58..91) + 128
125979..126173 (89..153) + 326
126404..126448 (202..216) + 38
126497..126562 (223..244) + 42
128781..128876 (58..89) + 127
128971..129165 (89..153) + 323
129264..129371 (155..190) + 37
129493..129558 (223..244) + 40

gi|4262149|gb|AAD14449|[fasta] (AC005275) putative xyloglucan endotransglycosylase [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 290 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (61..94) + 144
125979..126173 (92..156) + 201
126265..126465 (157..223) + 201
126556..126609 (261..278) + 60
128971..129165 (92..156) + 201
129267..129461 (159..223) + 196
129552..129605 (261..278) + 59

gi|5123950|emb|CAB45508.1|[fasta] (AL079349) endoxyloglucan transferase-like protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 292 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (66..99) + 129
125979..126173 (97..161) + 211
126265..126336 (162..185) + 63
126337..126465 (185..227) + 138
126520..126609 (253..282) + 90
128781..128879 (66..98) + 66
128971..129165 (97..161) + 212
129267..129332 (164..185) + 63
129333..129461 (185..227) + 136
129516..129605 (253..282) + 90

gi|5123949|emb|CAB45507.1|[fasta] (AL079349) endoxyloglucan transferase-like protein [Arabidopsis thaliana]
Length 295 aa

position (link: detail on the area) subject position direction score

125799..125900 (73..106) + 119
125979..126041 (104..124) + 71
126054..126173 (128..167) + 141
126271..126336 (170..191) + 63
126337..126513 (191..249) + 145
126520..126606 (256..284) + 76
128781..128879 (73..105) + 60
128971..129033 (104..124) + 72
129046..129165 (128..167) + 140
129267..129332 (170..191) + 66
129333..129509 (191..249) + 145
129516..129602 (256..284) + 68

