hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/Pfam.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080502/iprscan-20080502-19490947/chunk_1/iprscan-20080502-19490947.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: KIAA2036 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- PF00057.9.fs Low-density lipoprotein receptor domain 261.9 5.4e-84 9 Low-density lipoprotein receptor domain 262.6 7.4e-76 7 PF08742.1.fs Domain of unknown function (DUF1787) 101.8 8.5e-36 1 Domain of unknown function (DUF1787) 103.7 5.2e-28 1 PF01826.8.fs Trypsin Inhibitor like cysteine rich dom 49.7 2e-15 2 Trypsin Inhibitor like cysteine rich dom 53.4 7.2e-13 2 PF00094.15.fs von Willebrand factor type D domain 43.4 8.4e-13 1 PF00090.9.fs Thrombospondin type 1 domain 36.2 3e-10 3 Thrombospondin type 1 domain 41.8 2.1e-09 3 PF00093.8.fs von Willebrand factor type C domain 34.8 2.2e-09 2 PF00754.15.fs F5/8 type C domain 28.2 1.4e-07 1 von Willebrand factor type C domain 28.1 2.9e-05 1 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- PF00094.15.fs 1/1 13 49 .. 130 167 .] 43.4 8.4e-13 PF08742.1.fs 1/1 84 158 .. 1 81 [] 101.8 8.5e-36 1/1 84 158 .. 1 81 [] 103.7 5.2e-28 PF01826.8.fs 1/2 161 217 .. 1 68 [] 32.1 8.5e-10 1/2 161 217 .. 1 68 [] 33.9 5.1e-07 PF00057.9.fs 1/9 260 297 .. 1 40 [] 33.4 4e-10 1/7 260 297 .. 1 40 [] 35.3 1.9e-07 PF00057.9.fs 2/9 300 338 .. 1 40 [] 38.5 8.9e-12 2/7 300 338 .. 1 40 [] 40.5 5.3e-09 3/7 339 372 .. 1 40 [] 33.8 5.6e-07 PF00057.9.fs 3/9 345 372 .. 10 40 .] 37.1 2.5e-11 PF00057.9.fs 4/9 376 414 .. 1 40 [] 30.3 4e-09 4/7 376 414 .. 1 40 [] 32.3 1.6e-06 PF00057.9.fs 5/9 449 485 .. 1 40 [] 57.1 8.9e-18 5/7 449 485 .. 1 40 [] 59.0 1.4e-14 PF00057.9.fs 6/9 487 526 .. 1 40 [] 28.7 1.4e-08 6/7 487 526 .. 1 40 [] 30.7 4.9e-06 7/7 584 621 .. 1 40 [] 31.1 3.7e-06 PF00057.9.fs 7/9 584 621 .. 1 40 [] 29.1 9.6e-09 1/3 706 755 .. 1 55 [] 20.9 0.00018 PF00090.9.fs 1/3 706 755 .. 1 55 [] 19.0 4.6e-05 2/3 762 815 .. 1 55 [] 18.9 0.00031 3/3 921 972 .. 1 55 [] 2.1 0.033 1/1 975 1032 .. 1 84 [] 28.1 2.9e-05 PF00754.15.fs 1/1 1123 1176 .. 46 110 .. 28.2 1.4e-07 Alignments of top-scoring domains: PF00094.15.fs: domain 1 of 1, from 13 to 49: score 43.4, E = 8.4e-13 *->grtrlfvslspsyrgktcGLCGnfngepedDfrtpdGs<-* g tr+ v+lsp +rg++ GLCG+f+g++++D+r+++G+ KIAA2036 13 G-TRVLVQLSPQFRGRVAGLCGDFDGDASNDLRSRQGV 49 PF08742.1.fs: domain 1 of 1, from 84 to 158: score 101.8, E = 8.5e-36 *->eykaeeaCgiLlespvGPFaeCHsvVdPepfyeaCvyDlCacggggg + +a+ +Cg Ll +p+ F CH+ V+P++ ye C+yD+C+c+ g g KIAA2036 84 AGWARARCGALL-QPL--FTLCHAEVPPQQHYEWCLYDACGCDSG-G 126 deeclCsaLaaYAraCaaaGvcvdgWRtpttfCp<-* d+eclCsa+a+YA +Ca++G +v+ WR++ ++C+ KIAA2036 127 DCECLCSAIATYADECARHGHHVR-WRSQ-ELCS 158 domain 1 of 1, from 84 to 158: score 103.7, E = 5.2e-28 *->eykaeeaCgiLlespvGPFaeCHsvVdPepfyeaCvyDlCacggggg + +a+ +Cg Ll +p+ F CH+ V+P++ ye C+yD+C+c+ g g KIAA2036 84 AGWARARCGALL-QPL--FTLCHAEVPPQQHYEWCLYDACGCDSG-G 126 deeclCsaLaaYAraCaaaGvcvdgWRtpttfCp<-* d+eclCsa+a+YA +Ca++G +v+ WR++ ++C+ KIAA2036 127 DCECLCSAIATYADECARHGHHVR-WRSQ-ELCS 158 PF01826.8.fs: domain 1 of 2, from 161 to 217: score 32.1, E = 8.5e-10 *->CPaneqyteCgpsCepsCsnpdgplettppCegtSpkvPstCkegvC C+ ++y +Cgp C+p+C+ + e+ +C C+eg C KIAA2036 161 CEGGQVYEACGPTCPPTCHEQHP--EPGWHCQV------VACVEG-C 198 vCqpGyVrnndgdkCVprseC<-* C++G ++++ C ++++C KIAA2036 199 FCPEGTLLHGG--ACLEPASC 217 domain 1 of 2, from 161 to 217: score 33.9, E = 5.1e-07 *->CPaneqyteCgpsCepsCsnpdgplettppCegtSpkvPstCkegvC C+ ++y +Cgp C+p+C+ + e+ +C C+eg C KIAA2036 161 CEGGQVYEACGPTCPPTCHEQHP--EPGWHCQV------VACVEG-C 198 vCqpGyVrnndgdkCVprseC<-* C++G ++++ C ++++C KIAA2036 199 FCPEGTLLHGG--ACLEPASC 217 PF00057.9.fs: domain 1 of 9, from 260 to 297: score 33.4, E = 4e-10 *->stCgpdeFqCgsgrrCIprswvCDGdpDCeDgSDEslenC<-* + C+++e C+ + C+p w+CD ++DC+DgSDE e+C KIAA2036 260 PACAEGEALCQENGHCVPHGWLCDNQDDCGDGSDE--EGC 297 domain 1 of 7, from 260 to 297: score 35.3, E = 1.9e-07 *->stCgpdeFqCgsgrrCIprswvCDGdpDCeDgSDEslenC<-* + C+++e C+ + C+p w+CD ++DC+DgSDE e+C KIAA2036 260 PACAEGEALCQENGHCVPHGWLCDNQDDCGDGSDE--EGC 297 PF00057.9.fs: domain 2 of 9, from 300 to 338: score 38.5, E = 8.9e-12 *->stCgpdeFqCgsgrrCIprswvCDGdpDCeDgSDEslenC<-* + Cg+++ +C+sg+ C p ++CD ++DC+Dg DE++ C KIAA2036 300 PGCGEGQMTCSSGH-CLPLALLCDRQDDCGDGTDEPSYPC 338 domain 2 of 7, from 300 to 338: score 40.5, E = 5.3e-09 *->stCgpdeFqCgsgrrCIprswvCDGdpDCeDgSDEslenC<-* + Cg+++ +C+sg+ C p ++CD ++DC+Dg DE++ C KIAA2036 300 PGCGEGQMTCSSGH-CLPLALLCDRQDDCGDGTDEPSYPC 338 domain 3 of 7, from 339 to 372: score 33.8, E = 5.6e-07 *->stCgpdeFqCgsgrrCIprswvCDGdpDCeDgSDEslenC<-* ++ C++gr C p ++CDG+pDC D DE e+C KIAA2036 339 PQGL---LACADGR-CLPPALLCDGHPDCLDAADE--ESC 372 PF00057.9.fs: domain 3 of 9, from 345 to 372: score 37.1, E = 2.5e-11 *->CgsgrrCIprswvCDGdpDCeDgSDEslenC<-* C++gr C p ++CDG+pDC D DE e+C KIAA2036 345 CADGR-CLPPALLCDGHPDCLDAADE--ESC 372 PF00057.9.fs: domain 4 of 9, from 376 to 414: score 30.3, E = 4e-09 *->stCgpdeFqCgsgrrCIprswvCDGdpDCeDgSDEslenC<-* +tC p+e +C +g C ++CDG +DC Dg DE + +C KIAA2036 376 VTCVPGEVSCVDGT-CLGAIQLCDGVWDCPDGADEGPGHC 414 domain 4 of 7, from 376 to 414: score 32.3, E = 1.6e-06 *->stCgpdeFqCgsgrrCIprswvCDGdpDCeDgSDEslenC<-* +tC p+e +C +g C ++CDG +DC Dg DE + +C KIAA2036 376 VTCVPGEVSCVDGT-CLGAIQLCDGVWDCPDGADEGPGHC 414 PF00057.9.fs: domain 5 of 9, from 449 to 485: score 57.1, E = 8.9e-18 *->stCgpdeFqCgsgrrCIprswvCDGdpDCeDgSDEslenC<-* ++Cgp eF+Cgsg+ C pr w+CD++ DC+DgSDE +C KIAA2036 449 PPCGPFEFRCGSGE-CTPRGWRCDQEEDCADGSDE--RGC 485 domain 5 of 7, from 449 to 485: score 59.0, E = 1.4e-14 *->stCgpdeFqCgsgrrCIprswvCDGdpDCeDgSDEslenC<-* ++Cgp eF+Cgsg+ C pr w+CD++ DC+DgSDE +C KIAA2036 449 PPCGPFEFRCGSGE-CTPRGWRCDQEEDCADGSDE--RGC 485 PF00057.9.fs: domain 6 of 9, from 487 to 526: score 28.7, E = 1.4e-08 *->stCgpdeFqCgsgrrCIprswvCDGdpDCeDgSDEslenC<-* ++C+p++ C+ g C++ ++CDG + C DgSDE ++ C KIAA2036 487 GPCAPHHAPCARGPHCVSPEQLCDGVRQCPDGSDEGPDAC 526 domain 6 of 7, from 487 to 526: score 30.7, E = 4.9e-06 *->stCgpdeFqCgsgrrCIprswvCDGdpDCeDgSDEslenC<-* ++C+p++ C+ g C++ ++CDG + C DgSDE ++ C KIAA2036 487 GPCAPHHAPCARGPHCVSPEQLCDGVRQCPDGSDEGPDAC 526 domain 7 of 7, from 584 to 621: score 31.1, E = 3.7e-06 *->stCgpdeFqCgsgr.rCIprswvCDGdpDCeDgSDEslenC<-* + C + F Cg ++C ++CDG pDC g+DE +C KIAA2036 584 PLCP-GLFPCGVAPgLCLTPEQLCDGIPDCPQGEDE--LDC 621 PF00057.9.fs: domain 7 of 9, from 584 to 621: score 29.1, E = 9.6e-09 *->stCgpdeFqCgsgr.rCIprswvCDGdpDCeDgSDEslenC<-* + C + F Cg ++C ++CDG pDC g+DE +C KIAA2036 584 PLCP-GLFPCGVAPgLCLTPEQLCDGIPDCPQGEDE--LDC 621 domain 1 of 3, from 706 to 755: score 20.9, E = 0.00018 *->spWseWSpCSVTCGkGirtRqRvcnspaPqk.kggepCtgdvqelet +pWs+W pCS TCG + R R+c p ++C+g+ + + KIAA2036 706 GPWSPWGPCSRTCGPWGQGRSRRCS-PL--GlLVLQNCPGPEHQ--S 747 eaCdmmdkC<-* +aC C KIAA2036 748 QAC-FTAAC 755 PF00090.9.fs: domain 1 of 3, from 706 to 755: score 19.0, E = 4.6e-05 *->spWseWSpCSVTCGkGirtRqRvcnspaPqk.kggepCtgdvqelet +pWs+W pCS TCG + R R+c p ++C+g+ + + KIAA2036 706 GPWSPWGPCSRTCGPWGQGRSRRCS-PL--GlLVLQNCPGPEHQ--S 747 eaCdmmdkC<-* +aC C KIAA2036 748 QAC-FTAAC 755 domain 2 of 3, from 762 to 815: score 18.9, E = 0.00031 *->spWseWSpCSVTCGkGirtRqRvcnspaPqkkggepCtg......dv s Ws+WS CS +C G++tRqR c sp q gg C +++ + + KIAA2036 762 STWSPWSVCSEPCR-GTMTRQRQCHSP--Q-NGGRTCAAlpgglhST 804 qeleteaCdmmdkC<-* ++ t++C +d C KIAA2036 805 RQ--TKPC-PQDGC 815 domain 3 of 3, from 921 to 972: score 2.1, E = 0.033 *->spWseWSpCSVTCGkGirtRq.RvcnspaPqkkggepCtgdvqelet s Ws+W C +CG+++ + R+ n+p P g +C g ++ KIAA2036 921 SSWSPWAKCLGPCGSQSIQWSfRSSNNPRPS-GRGRQCRGIHRK--A 964 eaCdmmdkC<-* + C ++C KIAA2036 965 RRC-QTEPC 972 domain 1 of 1, from 975 to 1032: score 28.1, E = 2.9e-05 *->CvqnGvvYengetWkpdsqPnGvdkCtyiCtCddiedavrlggkvlC C + G+v++ ge W+ + C+ +C C+ C KIAA2036 975 CEHQGQVHRVGERWHGGP-------CR-VCQCLH-------NLTAHC 1006 dkitCppelLpsldCpnprrvdalvippGE.CCpewvC<-* ++ Cp +Cp++ lv+ +GE+CC C KIAA2036 1007 SPY-CPL-----GSCPQG---WVLVEGTGEsCCH---C 1032 PF00754.15.fs: domain 1 of 1, from 1123 to 1176: score 28.2, E = 1.4e-07 *->sekwsggaknndapqwlqvDLgkpkkitgvvtqgrqdggngyvksYk + kw + p++lq+DL +p+++tg+ ++++ ++ n+y++s++ KIAA2036 1123 A-KW------HTRPHYLQLDLLQPRNLTGI-LVPETGSSNAYASSFS 1161 iqySdDGseevnWttvkd<-* +q S++G +W++++d KIAA2036 1162 LQFSSNG-L--HWHDYRD 1176 //