hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/Pfam.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080502/iprscan-20080502-09315765/chunk_1/iprscan-20080502-09315765.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: KIAA1675 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- Zinc finger, C2H2 type 305.8 7.6e-89 10 PF00096.16.fs Zinc finger, C2H2 type 286.1 6.4e-83 10 PF02892.5.fs BED zinc finger 48.9 9.2e-14 5 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- 1/10 240 263 .. 1 24 [] 19.1 0.015 2/10 291 313 .. 1 24 [] 29.3 1.3e-05 PF00096.16.fs 2/10 291 313 .. 1 24 [] 27.3 1.5e-05 3/10 319 341 .. 1 24 [] 35.2 2.2e-07 PF00096.16.fs 3/10 319 341 .. 1 24 [] 33.2 5.1e-07 4/10 347 370 .. 1 24 [] 35.7 1.5e-07 PF00096.16.fs 4/10 347 370 .. 1 24 [] 33.7 3.7e-07 5/10 376 398 .. 1 24 [] 32.8 1.1e-06 PF00096.16.fs 5/10 376 398 .. 1 24 [] 30.9 1.9e-06 6/10 404 426 .. 1 24 [] 26.8 7.3e-05 PF00096.16.fs 6/10 404 426 .. 1 24 [] 24.8 6.2e-05 7/10 433 455 .. 1 24 [] 29.4 1.1e-05 PF00096.16.fs 7/10 433 455 .. 1 24 [] 27.5 1.3e-05 8/10 961 983 .. 1 24 [] 37.5 4.2e-08 PF00096.16.fs 8/10 961 983 .. 1 24 [] 35.5 1.3e-07 PF00096.16.fs 9/10 989 1012 .. 1 24 [] 31.7 1.2e-06 9/10 989 1012 .. 1 24 [] 33.7 6.1e-07 PF00096.16.fs 10/10 1018 1040 .. 1 24 [] 24.4 8e-05 10/10 1018 1040 .. 1 24 [] 26.3 9.9e-05 Alignments of top-scoring domains: domain 1 of 10, from 240 to 263: score 19.1, E = 0.015 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrt.H<-* ++C+ +C++ F +k +L+rH++ ++ KIAA1675 240 FRCD-ECDELFQSKLDLRRHKKYtC 263 domain 2 of 10, from 291 to 313: score 29.3, E = 1.3e-05 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrtH<-* ++C+ dC ++F +k++L++H+ +H KIAA1675 291 HECK-DCERMFPNKYSLEQHMVIH 313 PF00096.16.fs: domain 2 of 10, from 291 to 313: score 27.3, E = 1.5e-05 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrtH<-* ++C+ dC ++F +k++L++H+ +H KIAA1675 291 HECK-DCERMFPNKYSLEQHMVIH 313 domain 3 of 10, from 319 to 341: score 35.2, E = 2.2e-07 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrtH<-* ykC+ +C k+F+ ksnL rH+++H KIAA1675 319 YKCD-QCPKAFNWKSNLIRHQMSH 341 PF00096.16.fs: domain 3 of 10, from 319 to 341: score 33.2, E = 5.1e-07 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrtH<-* ykC+ +C k+F+ ksnL rH+++H KIAA1675 319 YKCD-QCPKAFNWKSNLIRHQMSH 341 domain 4 of 10, from 347 to 370: score 35.7, E = 1.5e-07 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrt.H<-* ++C+ C k+F+++snL+rH+r++H KIAA1675 347 FECE-NCVKVFTDPSNLQRHIRSqH 370 PF00096.16.fs: domain 4 of 10, from 347 to 370: score 33.7, E = 3.7e-07 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrt.H<-* ++C+ C k+F+++snL+rH+r++H KIAA1675 347 FECE-NCVKVFTDPSNLQRHIRSqH 370 domain 5 of 10, from 376 to 398: score 32.8, E = 1.1e-06 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrtH<-* + Cp dCgk+F ++s Lk+H+ +H KIAA1675 376 HACP-DCGKTFATSSGLKQHKHIH 398 PF00096.16.fs: domain 5 of 10, from 376 to 398: score 30.9, E = 1.9e-06 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrtH<-* + Cp dCgk+F ++s Lk+H+ +H KIAA1675 376 HACP-DCGKTFATSSGLKQHKHIH 398 domain 6 of 10, from 404 to 426: score 26.8, E = 7.3e-05 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrtH<-* + C+ +C+ks+++ snL rH+r+H KIAA1675 404 FICE-VCHKSYTQFSNLCRHKRMH 426 PF00096.16.fs: domain 6 of 10, from 404 to 426: score 24.8, E = 6.2e-05 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrtH<-* + C+ +C+ks+++ snL rH+r+H KIAA1675 404 FICE-VCHKSYTQFSNLCRHKRMH 426 domain 7 of 10, from 433 to 455: score 29.4, E = 1.1e-05 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrtH<-* kC+ dCg++Fs+ s+L++H+r + KIAA1675 433 IKCK-DCGQMFSTTSSLNKHRRFC 455 PF00096.16.fs: domain 7 of 10, from 433 to 455: score 27.5, E = 1.3e-05 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrtH<-* kC+ dCg++Fs+ s+L++H+r + KIAA1675 433 IKCK-DCGQMFSTTSSLNKHRRFC 455 domain 8 of 10, from 961 to 983: score 37.5, E = 4.2e-08 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrtH<-* y+C +Cgk F r++nL+rHlrtH KIAA1675 961 YTCR-YCGKIFPRSANLTRHLRTH 983 PF00096.16.fs: domain 8 of 10, from 961 to 983: score 35.5, E = 1.3e-07 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrtH<-* y+C +Cgk F r++nL+rHlrtH KIAA1675 961 YTCR-YCGKIFPRSANLTRHLRTH 983 PF00096.16.fs: domain 9 of 10, from 989 to 1012: score 31.7, E = 1.2e-06 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrt.H<-* y+C+ +C++sFs +snL+rH r H KIAA1675 989 YRCK-YCDRSFSISSNLQRHVRNiH 1012 domain 9 of 10, from 989 to 1012: score 33.7, E = 6.1e-07 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrt.H<-* y+C+ +C++sFs +snL+rH r H KIAA1675 989 YRCK-YCDRSFSISSNLQRHVRNiH 1012 PF00096.16.fs: domain 10 of 10, from 1018 to 1040: score 24.4, E = 8e-05 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrtH<-* +kC+ C+++F ++ nL rHl++H KIAA1675 1018 FKCH-LCNRCFGQQTNLDRHLKKH 1040 domain 10 of 10, from 1018 to 1040: score 26.3, E = 9.9e-05 *->ykCpfdCgksFsrksnLkrHlrtH<-* +kC+ C+++F ++ nL rHl++H KIAA1675 1018 FKCH-LCNRCFGQQTNLDRHLKKH 1040 //