hmmpfam - search one or more sequences against HMM database HMMER 2.3.2 (Oct 2003) Copyright (C) 1992-2003 HHMI/Washington University School of Medicine Freely distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - HMM file: /db/iprscan/data/smart.HMMs.bin Sequence file: /db/iprscan/tmp/20080501/iprscan-20080501-21051808/chunk_1/iprscan-20080501-21051808.nocrc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Query sequence: KIAA1233 Accession: [none] Description: [none] Scores for sequence family classification (score includes all domains): Model Description Score E-value N -------- ----------- ----- ------- --- SM00209 172.3 4.6e-47 6 SM00408 130.4 2e-34 3 SM00409 84.3 1.4e-20 3 Parsed for domains: Model Domain seq-f seq-t hmm-f hmm-t score E-value -------- ------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ------- SM00209 1/6 38 92 .. 1 66 [] 44.6 1.3e-08 SM00209 2/6 94 152 .. 1 66 [] 23.5 0.025 SM00209 3/6 154 213 .. 1 66 [] 29.0 0.00067 SM00409 1/3 251 328 .. 1 58 [] 16.8 2.4 SM00408 1/3 257 321 .. 1 56 [] 29.8 0.00038 SM00409 2/3 532 622 .. 1 58 [] 17.3 2.1 SM00408 2/3 538 602 .. 1 56 [] 24.2 0.017 SM00409 3/3 638 717 .. 1 58 [] 50.2 2.7e-10 SM00408 3/3 644 706 .. 1 56 [] 76.4 3.5e-18 SM00209 4/6 759 816 .. 1 66 [] 30.8 0.00018 SM00209 5/6 818 877 .. 1 66 [] 22.4 0.033 SM00209 6/6 932 976 .. 1 66 [] 22.0 0.037 Alignments of top-scoring domains: SM00209: domain 1 of 6, from 38 to 92: score 44.6, E = 1.3e-08 *->wseWseWSpCSgvtCGgGgrtegvrtRtRsslrvccspppprnqngg + ++W+pCS +tCG G ++tR c++p+ + + KIAA1233 38 RWHVGSWGPCS-ATCGVG-----IQTRDV-----YCLHPGETP-APP 72 epCs.....EtrpCntqpnLqpCp<-* e+C +++++ ++Cn +Cp KIAA1233 73 EECRdekphALQACNQF----DCP 92 SM00209: domain 2 of 6, from 94 to 152: score 23.5, E = 0.025 *->wseWseWSpCSgvtCGgGgrtegvrtRtRsslrvccspppprnqngg + +eW +CS +tCGgG ++ R+ + c +g KIAA1233 94 GWHIEEWQQCS-RTCGGG-----TQNRRVT----CRQL-----LTDG 125 epCs............EtrpCntqpnLqpCp<-* + +++ ++++ + + C +Cp KIAA1233 126 SFLNlsdelcqgpkasSHKSCART----DCP 152 SM00209: domain 3 of 6, from 154 to 213: score 29.0, E = 0.00067 *->wseWseWSpCSgvtCGgGgrtegvrtRtRsslrvccspppprnqngg + + ++WS CS v+CG G +++R+ +c + +g KIAA1233 154 HLAVGDWSKCS-VSCGVG-----IQRRKQ-----VCQRLA----AKG 185 epCs.............EtrpCntqpnLqpCp<-* ++ + ++ ++ ++ + +r C ++ +C+ KIAA1233 186 RRIPlsemmcrdlpglpLVRSCQMP----ECS 213 SM00409: domain 1 of 3, from 251 to 328: score 16.8, E = 2.4 *-> ++ + + sv ++C++ ++ i+W ++++ +++++ + ++++ KIAA1233 251 GSrAYLLPNTSVIIKCpVRrfqksLIQWEkdgrclqnskrlgitksg 297 .LtI.nvtpeDsesgGtYtCaatsgsasseqgttLtVl<-* +L I+++ + D G+Y+C a sa+ ++ L+ KIAA1233 298 sLKIhGLAAPDI---GVYRCIAG--SAQE--TVVLKLI 328 SM00408: domain 1 of 3, from 257 to 321: score 29.8, E = 0.00038 *->leGqsVtLtCpasgdpvpnItWlk.gkplp........sgstLtikn l+ +sV+++Cp++ + I+W k+g l+++++ + +++++L+i KIAA1233 257 LPNTSVIIKCPVRRFQKSLIQWEKdGRCLQnskrlgitKSGSLKIHG 303 vsleDsGlYtCvArNsvg<-* + D G+Y+C+A ++ KIAA1233 304 LAAPDIGVYRCIAGSAQE 321 SM00409: domain 2 of 3, from 532 to 622: score 17.3, E = 2.1 *-> + k+ e +++ C+ +++ t+tW+++++ +++ + ++++ KIAA1233 532 NTvYITKRTEVINILCdLItpseaTYTWTkdgtllqpsvkiildgtg 578 .LtI.nvtpeDsesgGtYtCaat...........sgsasseqgttLtVl< +++I+n t+ + G+Y C + ++ +++ +++ a++ ++ L+V+ KIAA1233 579 kIQIqNPTRKEQ---GIYECSVAnhlgsdvesssVLYAEA--PVILSVE 622 -* KIAA1233 - - SM00408: domain 2 of 3, from 538 to 602: score 24.2, E = 0.017 *->leGqsVtLtCpasgdpvpnItWlk.gkplp........sgstLtikn + + + + C+ +++ tW+k+g+ l+++ + ++ + +i+n KIAA1233 538 KRTEVINILCDLITPSEATYTWTKdGTLLQpsvkiildGTGKIQIQN 584 vsleDsGlYtCvArNsvg<-* ++ G+Y+C++ N+ g KIAA1233 585 PTRKEQGIYECSVANHLG 602 SM00409: domain 3 of 3, from 638 to 717: score 50.2, E = 2.7e-10 *-> + v++ +G +vt++C++++ + ++itW++++++ +++ + +++L KIAA1233 638 GGiVEAALGANVTIRCpVKgvpqpNITWLkrggslsgnvsllfngsL 684 tI.nvtpeDsesgGtYtCaat..sgsasseqgttLtVl<-* ++nv++e++ GtY+C at+ g+a + + L+ l KIAA1233 685 LLqNVSLENE---GTYVCIATnaLGKAVA--TSVLHLL 717 SM00408: domain 3 of 3, from 644 to 706: score 76.4, E = 3.5e-18 *->leGqsVtLtCpasgdpvpnItWlk.gkplp......sgstLtiknvs G +Vt++Cp+ g p pnItWlk+g +l+++ + +++L ++nvs KIAA1233 644 ALGANVTIRCPVKGVPQPNITWLKrGGSLSgnvsllFNGSLLLQNVS 690 leDsGlYtCvArNsvg<-* le +G+Y+C+A+N+ g KIAA1233 691 LENEGTYVCIATNALG 706 SM00209: domain 4 of 6, from 759 to 816: score 30.8, E = 0.00018 *->wseWseWSpCSgvtCGgGgrtegvrtRtRsslrvccspppprnqngg +e + WS CS +tCG+ g r+ + + c++++++ ++ + KIAA1233 759 FWEPGNWSHCS-ATCGHL----GARIQRPQ----CVMANGQ--EVSE 794 epCs.......EtrpCntqpnLqpCp<-* + C++ +++ ++pCn + +Cp KIAA1233 795 ALCDhlqkplaGFEPCNIR----DCP 816 SM00209: domain 5 of 6, from 818 to 877: score 22.4, E = 0.033 *->wseWseWSpCSgvtCGgGgrtegvrtRtRsslrvccspppprnqngg + +s WS+CS v+CG+G +R+ + c++ + ng KIAA1233 818 RWFTSVWSQCS-VSCGEG-----YHSRQVT----CKRTKA----NGT 850 epCs............EtrpCntqpnLqpCp<-* + +++ +++++ +pC+++ pC KIAA1233 851 VQVVspracapkdrplGRKPCFGH----PCV 877 SM00209: domain 6 of 6, from 932 to 976: score 22.0, E = 0.037 *->wseWseWSpCSgvtCGgGgrtegvrtRtRsslrvccspppprnqngg ++ +++W pC+ + CG+G +++R+ c + KIAA1233 932 CWHTGPWKPCT-AACGRG-----FQSRKV-----DCIH--------T 959 epCs..EtrpCntqpnLqpCp<-* ++C + +r C + p KIAA1233 960 RSCKpvAKRHCVQK----KKP 976 //