>AB084782\AB084782\1000..3216\2217\BAB92974.1\Paenibacillus koleovorans\Paenibacillus koleovorans dssA gene for sheathpolysaccharide-degrading enzyme, complete cds./gene="dssA"/function="involved in degradation of the sheath of Sphaerotilus natans"/codon_start=1/transl_table=11/product="sheath polysaccharide-degrading enzyme"/protein_id="BAB92974.1"/db_xref="GI:21038988"\/db_xref="taxon:121608" 3 7 11 4 1 3 2 8 19 8 1 8 5 27 12 4 32 0 3 27 37 6 1 7 15 5 9 25 20 7 13 54 10 8 8 21 11 4 11 9 33 27 7 10 3 6 17 6 16 19 23 16 3 0 23 2 2 29 20 4 6 1 0 0