Hints for keyword search:


  1. Keyword search will be performed in a case-insensitive manner.
  2. One or two keywords/field identifiers can be entered from the pull-down list.
  3. Multiply entered words and identifiers will be combined with 'AND' or 'OR'. as indicated.
  4. 'NOT' button is prepared to search for the KIAA entries that do NOT contain the input keyword.

A. Description of field identifiers:

The following "field identifiers" can be chosen from the pull-down menue and be used with specified values (for usage examples, see below).

-- ALL --
Either of all the fields described below.
[as_No] aisin Number (e.g. as00001).
[PepLen]Length of predicted protein sequence.
[NucLen] Length of cloned DNA sequence.
[AccNum]Accession No.
[nr]Similar sequences found in nr. nr accession, protein name, and source info.
[nrNum]Number of similar sequences found in nr.
[Kazusa]Similar sequences found in Kazusa human cDNA databases (e.g.KIAA0583, FLJ00003).
[Kazusa_Num]Number of similar sequences found in Kazusa human cDNA databases.
[InterProScan]InterProScan info.
[TM]Number of transmembrane segments predicted by SOSUI.
[GMWARNING]GeneMark Warning (i.e. 'N-terminal truncation' and 'coding interruption').
[Exprof] Expression profile
[Psort] Subcellular localization (Recent Goal only)

B. Notes for some field identifiers:

C. Search examples:

  1. To search for as_No entries having similarities with kinase in nr with length >1000 aa, enter " kinase" with [nr] identifier, and enter "1000< " with [PepLen] identifier, and select AND operation.

  2. To search for entries with aa length between 1000 and 2000, enter " 1000<" with [PepLen] identifier and enter "<2000" with [Peplen] identifier using AND operation.

  3. To search for entries with >5 transmembrane segments, enter "5<" with [TM] identifier.

  4. To search for entries that do NOT contain any motifs in any database, please push "NOT" button, enter "IPR" and select [InterProScan] identifier.